Special Magic Revised Box Draft at D20 Games Alameda

Ok…clearly we are out of our minds.  ;-).


UPDATE:  Date has been changed to June 29th (Sat).  We will close the store for the evening…only open to the players. (each player can invite a limted number of guests.)  

BONUS… Beta card draft based on who signs up first—-Beta Lands and Beta cards—We will put in 16 beta lands, and 12 beta commons into a drafting pool that will get table drafted based on the order that people sign up.beta lands

So when you find that incredibly rare bottle of wine…you want to get some people together who will appreciate as much and make a night of it…that is exactly what we are going to do with this.We’ve managed to get our hands on a factory sealed box of Revised, and in the grand tradition of D20 Games, and we’re drafting that sucker in what will be a unique trip back in time.

NOTE: For those of us who were around in the day, the fact that the packs were easy to peek, by sneaking up the back cards and holding the pack up to the light.  So old packs are almost never a good bet (even the most honest person holding  onto a pack for 20 years would have a hell of a time resisting taking a peek.)   So when we got a chance to get our hands on a factory sealed box, after taking a deep breath, we decided to go for it.  We are vouching for the box…if it ends up being a repacked job, everybody gets their money back, I get the cards and go off hunting the person who sold it to us.

It’s important that people who sign up for this are doing so for the fun of opening up the old packs, feeling those mint cards and the trip back in time. Don’t do it as an investment, or as a gamble counting on getting the high value cards to pay back the cost.  Do it for the joy of it and if you can afford it.

We’re going to draft the box and play with old school rules. That means mana burn, the old pre-stack damage rules,and just for pure fun, we’re bringing back Ante (though the Dual Lands will be excepted).

When: 6 pm, June 29th, 2013   We’re going to close the store for this one…

Cost: $150 per person.  Prize will be regular packs and some special promos.

LIMIT:  12 people..(Ok…11 since Ben, the store owner is clearly in on this one.)

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