Conspiracy: Take the Crown- Multi-Player Draft-O-Mania

We’re playing a ton of Conspiracy with our Launch Party

It’s BAACCKKK….This special version of magic is specially tuned as mutant hybrid of the “everybody starts out evenness” of Drafting with the “I get to play with/ whomp on my buddies” group play of Commander.  This time its adding a couple of new mechanics:

  1. Goad (the ability to provoke another creature to attack)
  2. Melee (rewarding spreading the love by adding +1,+1 to a creature for every opponent you attack that turn)
  3. Council’s Dilemma (where each vote really counts, since each vote does an effect all by itself)
  4. The Monarch, not the butterfly, but a king of the hill style crown that gives all sorts of goodies,  but gets taken away whenever another player takes a successful shot at ya.

How To play Conspiracy
Conspiracy Take the Crown Mechanics