Store Rules

Rules of the store.  Breaking these rules will lead to a warning, a temp ban, a permanent ban or immediate expulsion from the store.  The purpose of the rules is to make everyone feel safe and comfortable.

  1. No stealing.  Being caught stealing either from the store or from another player will result in immediate ejection from the store, or calling of police depending on the situation.
  2. No rough-housing or unwanted physical contact. Not a place for hitting, even in jest.
  3. No bad language:  Despite the fact that many of the kids of this age have already started doing this among each other, it will not happen here.
  4. Good sportsmanship:  win with grace, lose with style. We don’t make each other feel bad or crow over our victories.
  5. No cheating:  No messing with other’s cards.  This will be handled as a rules violation in tournaments and repeated violations will have more permanent consequences
  6. No commenting or interfering with games in progress.  Let people play, and make their own mistakes.

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