Eternal Masters–Sooo Much good stuff
“Really, they reprinted that!!” Eternal Masters (releasing 6/10/16) is the third set in the limited print run Masters series, this time bringing back some of the best cards from the eternal formats (cards from before 8th edition, special editions, and those that got banned because they were just too good.) Like there predecessors, these packs won’t come cheap, and will almost definitely go up and up in price over the next year, but we will do our best to allocate them for playing over just buying boxes.
Before you ask, no there are not duel lands or power nine in this set. Wizards has been good to their promise never to reprint those items on the so called Reserve list, but short of that, this set looks beyond amazing, with a shocking number of some of the best cards in all of Magic, from arguably the king of Planeswalkers, Jace the Mindsculpter, to Mana Vault, Sensei’s Divining Top, and even Force of Will, these packs are just, well, packed with goodness.
Boxes will pre-sell in VERY limited quantities for $349.99 ($339.99 for regulars). And we will do a number of special events. For the limited events, to make the more affordable, we will offer player the option of taking $10 off the event price if the opt to take any prize packs they win in regular packs rather then Eternal Masters packs. (Obviously, BEFORE they look at their deck pools). Events will include:
- 6/11 FNM-Drafts @ $40($50 with Eternal Masters Prize Packs)
- 6/12 Two Headed Giant at $50/60 per player
- 6/13 Sealed Tournament $70/80
- Plus we will be doing a Tuesday Night League. $75 to Start, and $11 a week for a new pack (four weeks) or $110 for the whole event. Players report the weeks match results by the end of each Tuesday and get their new packs when they come in on or before Tuesdays.