
Prerelease in Pajamas (or how to get the most Ikoria Prerelease fun per pack at home)

If you are anything like me, this is another one of those milestones that remind us of how things have changed.  Usually our Magic prereases are a tribal gathering of folks who all share loving to play the same game.  But like most things these days, we need to get a little more cleaver to find hidden stashes of fun.  Enter the Ikoria Prerelease in Pajamas Suggestion 1 More fun then just opening a booster box:   Open boxes in piles of 6 packs.  That way you can not only see what’s in the packs, but use the sets of 6 to make different sealed decks.   Suggestion 2:  Home League:  This is one of my absolute fav was to get the most fun per pack possible, and will work particularly great for the current set.   It is very simple.  Take a 6 pack sealed pool of cards like the Prerelease kit as the league starter.  Then every day, or every few days, whatever you decide, each player in the league gets to open one more pack to add to their collection of cards to make a deck (or what will become lots of decks) with.  Those become the most fun to open packs ever, since it is not just the one or two best cards that are interesting, but each card gets an extra look to see if it might help make something better, or something new.  For those parents who are trying to keep things motivating or interesting each day, this is a great way to do it.  Even if they have a booster box that they can’t help but try and open right away, try to help them open the packs with scissors so the cards can go back in and get randomly used for a league. Suggestion 3–Zoom Magic.   You can play real live Magic with your buds online and it is great fun.  BUT, and this is a big but,  there are a few changes in the way to play you need to  make part of it for everyone to have fun:
  1. Too easy to Cheat…be honest or it sucks out all the fun: you have to make sure to be super honest.  It is super easy to set up a deck that doesn’t get shuffled, or sneak a look at a card or any number of other things.
  2. No gotchas.  When you can’t really see the other persons board, it is way too easy to make frustrating  errors you never would in person.  You have to help each other out. If someone is about to attack with their big powerhouse into a little 2/1 with deathtouch, tell ’em and ask if they really meant to do that.  Honestly, be the opposite of a rule shark.  You wanna have the best games you can with everyone having fun, so reminder people if they are about to make a goofy mistake and allow take backs like crazy.  Basically, the words “Are you sure you want to…” should be said a whole bunch.

Preoder Ikoria Online…really…

[NOTE–All Ikoria product is preorder to be delivered on or after May 15th.]

Oh man, do I hope this works…  I’ve been working all week to get the webstore online so we could do sales for Ikoria in the middle of the duck and cover in place time.* 
So here’s the deal.  We are doing a combo of Curbside and Delivery when the stuff comes out on Friday mostly because we don’t really know what the rules are gonna be on a day to day basis.  A couple of things:

  1. Safety First…REALLY.  We are doing curbside and delivery only…Don’t show up at the store to buy stuff.  I love you guys dearly and do NOT want people hanging out in anything like a line at the store.  The online store is hear so we can either drop the stuff off or come to the curb to the car and bring it to you.  
  2. We aren’t even pretending that we know what we are doing or will be able to pull this off without some sort of major “whoops”.  Please be super patient with us, and if you are not sure if something come through or have a question, email at [email protected] and we’ll get back when we dig ourselves out.
  3. We are doing Ikoria Loot bags, which are combos of stuff.  These are based on the Magic loot bags we have already been doing, but upgraded for Ikoria only.  The Silver is two Prerelease kits at $60, the Platinum is a booster box and two Prerelease kits and bonus older buy a box promos.  We aren’t doing much in the way of discounts, cause frankly, we need every $$ we can get right now.  Instead, I’m tossing in bonus goodies like promo cards and packs.  When we get to some of the more significant loot bags, we are gonna say thanks for supporting us by upping the extra goodies levels appropriately.  We appreciate every bid of business you throw our way, but for those with the means to give the store above and beyond thanks, including some very limited items. Any Diamond level or above bag (and the first 25 orders over $400) will get the exclusive full art foil Godzilla card.  The Utimate Diamond Black Ultimate loot bag, for which there is and will only ever be one, includes, among many other things, the only one of the giant Garruk’s Axe (Nerf) and the 2017 SCDC Promo set with he Nicol Bolos print on a full uncut magic sheet. 

Regardless of what you get, I do have a suggestion to make up for the fact that we don’t get to come play together for the prerelease.  Take your prerelease kits and turn them into an at home sealed league.  Then each day, give each person a new pack to open to add to their card pool.  Each of those packs is gonna end up way more fun that way and you will be able to squeeze a lot more fun per pack.  I want your business, but I also want to be able to give you guys something with some joy in it to do with each other during all this.  

You can do the sealed with buddies over zoom to, but it requires one thing…the honor system for real.  It’s way to easy to cheat without anyone looking at what your are doing so it is a great time to remember that the playing is way more important then the winning and loosing, and that being honorable is not just adding serious power to yer insides, but makes you someone other people like playing with. 

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