D20 Hot Game List…
- Back in stock…4 copies of Xanthar’s Guide to Everything–the special Edition!!!
- Harry Potter Hogwart’s Battle-Cooperative Deck Building Game: We’ve sold through 3 orders of this great cooperative deckbuilding game that has you take the role of Harry or his buddies to battle to keep the minions of he who should…well you know the rest, from taking over different locations before finally defending the school itself. SOLD OUT
- Potion Explosion: My favorite find at this year’s Comicon. This game features a real life bejeweled affect
- Evolution,Evolution Flight, and Evolution Climate Change. The first Evolution is one of our staff picks, a great game where you are trying to evolve the most species, eat the most food, or go carnivore eat the most of your opponents
- Star Trek Ascendancy…an amazing game where
players chose one of (currently) three factions from the Star Trek myhos and go exploring the galaxy in their own particular, how do you say, style. (The Federation gets their success from exploration, the Klingon’s can, literally, not back down from any chance at glorious combat, and the Romulans, slip around, not letting you know which way they decide to go.
- The Pandemic folks have a slate of 3 great offerings beyond their normal great coop “Let’s keep the world cured and happy, despite itself” race against unpredictable time game. Pandemic Iberia just came in yesterday. And Pandemic Cthulhu is a great variation that uses the same game play pattern, but somehow feels like a whole new, and very fun game. And then there is probably my fav. game from last year, Pandemic Legacy. Legacy games are this new concept that basically says “what if what happened in the board game we just played today stuck with the game forever…like the board changed, the rules changed, the world changed.” It’s not only super fun, but is one of the best games ever for building a regular game night. There are twelve sealed packets or boxes in the game that get opened each subsequent time you play, so instead of “what should we play tonight” you get “man, what’s going to happen next?!?” Just great…
- Kill Doctor Lucky: This is a great game that was out of print until the creator finally hammer-locked the rights back from an utterly disengaged publisher. It’s the exact opposite of Clue….take a minute and let that process. 😉 Yep, instead of trying to find the homicidal miscreant, you are trying to get alone with the wandering doctor where no one can witness your evil doings and grab those honors for yourself.
- On top of all those, there are new versions/add-ons for
- Dead of Winter: the Long Night
- Ticket to Ride (Rails and Sails)
- Favorite, Betrayal on the House on the Hill
- And honorable mentions to:
- Fuse
- Dr. Eureka-A fast and fun game where the “pour” can inherit the game….(it’s a great Dad pun….just gotta know the game)
- Compounded
- Mice and Mystics (back in stock)–great self running D&D game