Lots of good stuff this week.
- Saturday:
- Innistrad Game Day! 2:00-2:30 Start time for a constructed deck tournament. (Bring your own deck. Standard format: Innistrad, M12 and Scars Block cards only, 60 card minimum) First 30 players to sign up get a special game d
ay promo card, top 6 players get a special bonus card) Entry fee is $5 ($10 with two pieces of Pizza and a drink at 5) Format is double-elimination tournament, and should end before 7 for the final players.)
Bonus Drafts. We will put out draft sheets starting from when the store opens at 12:30. 8-players and go. ($15 w/sleeves, $13 w/o). We will also do a hard-start adult draft at 6:30.
- Sunday:
- Yugioh Masters Turny at 1:30. First Prize, $5 Entry, first prize Guaranteed Entry for Photon Shockwave Sneak Peek on Nov , 6th.–Includes Turbo Booster for entry pack
- Duelist League (14 and under)-2:30 to 4:30. $5 Turbo Booster for entry pack and a pick from the special duelist league cards at the end of the event. (BTW…the FULL set of Exodia will be among the cards this week.)