Bonus Card for first 48 people who sign up for Prerelease
- MTG-Dark Ascension Pre-release event! Saturday, Jan 28th,
Noon11:30 AND 5, $25 per player. LIMIT OF 48 players total in both events.
It’s (almost) here…as fun as Innistrad was, the next set in the cycle looks to be just as cool. The set releases on Feb 3rd. and we’re pretty excited that we are now qualified to be a core store and can host not only the release on Feb. 4th, but Pre-release event as well.
Entry fee is $25 and is a sealed deck, which means you get 6 packs and get to make the best deck you can, and then play all afternoon. Should go through 5-6. (We’ll do our usual Kids Pizza and a Drink for $5 for everybody this time at 4:30) The set looks GREAT…some amazing new cards.