The Mad Club Kickstarter cover v1.1

How to Help with D20 Mad Creator Kickstarter

We need help with the Mad Creator's club. Here is the list of things we need help with.

So here are the things that we need help with (and this list will grow):

  • Artists conceptions of the special rooms (architect type images to show what we are thinking of)
  • Help making a video:  We need to make a video for the kickstarter to explain what we are doing.
  • Need some IT/web help.  We need to set up mailchimp and we need to do a big shift of the website.
  • Help getting the word out.  We need to reach out as wide as we can.  If what we are doing is important to you, we need you to reach out to PTA’s, local groups, friends, anyone else who you think would believe that what we are doing is important.
  • We need people to subscribe to the Kickstarter as soon as we get it up there.  I can only do this if I know that people will want it enough to pay.  And I’m not shy about asking those who can to kick in what they can.   I spent the last 5 years doing D20 more out of love for my kids and the community then for anything near the money that I used to make.  And I’m willing to put myself at big risk to do this.  But not if I’m alone, or if it is only something that people talk about wanting but don’t participate in.  I need help, and with that help, I think we’ll make something very special.

Email us at [email protected] if you want to volunteer, or just want to make sure you are being kept up to date.

We will keep adding things to the list as they come up.



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