Big Move update…-old store extended through the weekend.

Hi folks….

Events this weekend.  (2-9-24)

For those who don’t know yet…we are in the middle of a big (really, really) big move down the street to 1502 Park Street.  (Check out D20gamesalameda on instagram for updates to the work as I look up enough to realize I should be taking pics. )

We keep threatening to get the next events at the new store, even under construction, but so far that has been limited to the D&D rooms.  The rest have been at the existing store (though it is getting more and more spacious as things get moved out. To give us a chance to do the build and move thing…we will have Release events for the new Magic set at the old store on Friday and Sat, and in the new store on Sunday. We may press people into service for final moves, etc. (We will have one of the Magic events for the weekend be the ones to help bring over the tables and chairs. Many hands make light work and all.)

We will be open during construction and still will be doing a kick starter for tricking out the place in the next phase.  (These will include first dibs on a lot of special events like afterschool and summer programs as well as one of a kind drafts and access to some truly rare pokemon items.)

Things we can really use help on.

    • People with good screw removal and patching skills on Sunday to help take down the gridwall in the old store.
    • Help on end of sat to move tables over to new palace after 7pm
    • Anyone with skills for finding/installing heat pump
    • Big Big one…anyone with big old truck/van who is willing to take a drive this weekend up just past sacramento to pick up a big batch of bamboo flooring we got a deal on from someone’s house.  (this one comes with a major thank you prize, either Magic, Pokemon or D&D.
    • Anyone with great web skills who can help us set up as a full (email) entity so we can send emails out without accidently getting on a black list this time around. (I made some boo boos in sending out our emails over the years and apparently we’ve been put on Santa emails nasty list for the site.  I really need an ace to help with this.
    • Help find new homes for a few special things:
    • The special rotating glass cases we got from Paulines that we never ended up using the way we intended needs a new home.  I’ll sell them for $100 each, or if they can go to a “good” place, will give them away.  If they don’t go to a new home by Monday, we need to get them delivered to the Restore in Oakland. Spinning cases looking for new home
    • The Mom Couch needs a new home!  (This beloved and extremely comfy couch should go to a good home. )  It has extremely high.  (ok..I have no illusion that this couch belongs anywhere but a rec room, but I’d rather see it go to a good cause if possible.  If not, need help getting it hauled out of here on Sunday or monday.)
      the mom couch
      The beloved Mom’s couch in action…

We will also have grindwall that will need a new home, but that is very good stuff and should get sold off. We will also have several shelving units to find new homes.

If any of these things sound like things you would like/are able to help with.  Let us know.  [email protected] or call when we’re open.