Coming to the calendar …April 22, our first Grand Prix Trial for LA Grand Prix. $30 entry, Max players will be 40, but most likely smaller. This will be a Standard Format Tournament, 😉
We are also looking at adding two new game tournaments to the store… Legend of the Five Rings
As of the beginning of March , we became an Advanced Level Magic Store with Wizards of the Coast…Whoo Hoo!!
Every regular retailer…signed up and not in someone’s basement.
Run at least 4 full sets of sanctioned (8 or more people) events and bring 30 new players to the games…
Yay…Friday night drafts could become Friday Night Magic with all the cool cards to go with it. We could run pre-release events.
Run at least 20 events, have over 100 different people attending those events, and have a Magic event with at least 32 people.
Double Whoo Hoo!!! Not bad for being open 6 months. 😉
What does this mean? We get to run twice as many of the cool events (including the Avacyn Restored Pre-release), giving us both more cool prize cards to give away, and the flexibility to be able to have the kids have their own mini-events side by side with the big events so they don’t have to go head to head with the older crowd unless they want to. We also will be getting an allocation this summer of the next From the Vault limited edition sets. BTW, we will be allocating these in three different batches, 1/3 to the players who rack up the most points in events between now and then (4 points for a top finish or a 3-0 draft night, 2 for second or third, and 1 for each time you play), 1/3rd to our best magic customers between March 15th and then, and 1/3 among all customers who want to enter, with one entry for each time they come in and buy anything between March 15th and the release.