Cover Your Assets

Happy Thanksgiving!!! Fun, Turkey and Black Friday Sales (as well as Small Business Saturday)

Turkey O DoomHappy Thanksgiving Everybody!!!  Make sure to do some random act of kindness!! 😉  As always, thanks so much for the business, and more importantly, the intensely cool community.  I can’t tell you guys how thankful I am for that.
If you aren’t on the road already, swing on by and pick up a good game for either keeping kids happy in the car or good family fun that doesn’t go beep, beep. 😉  We have a bunch of stuff we can recommend (although, the beloved Cover Your Assets is ALWAYs a great family pick….just trust us on this one.)  We will be closed on Thursday because, well, we should be…we’ll be hanging and playing with our family and hope you will be as well.
We WILL be doing a Black Friday Sale (starting at 10) and Small Business Saturday Sale….very good stuff, good prizes and the return of our bonus stocking stuffer (or menorah sitter) freebies.
  • Monday:  Special how to Play Magic class at the Lib @ 1.
  • Tuesday Night–Modern Masters Draft!!! $40—no,wait…make it $33 this one time!!! (Regular packs as prizes)
  • Weds, Double prize League tournament starting at 4:30–Maybe Daytime Draft??!!
  • Thursday…closed for T-day
  • Friday—BIG Black Friday sale
  • Saturday–Small Business Sat sales and Two headed Mystery box tournament
  • Sunday 10AM Start for a $10 Magic Standard with some free Star City Goodies in the mix…!
We had a second record breaking FNM in a month on Friday before last Friday…went from 42 up to 44!!  It was VERY good we had the secret clubhouse next door to be able to use for more play space so we aren’t quiet so squished when we get full.

Tabletop Game Day at D20 Games!!



Welcome to Tabletop Day

From 11-4 on Saturday, March 30th, we will be participating in International Tabletop Day.  This is an event inspired by the Tabletop, a great series of YouTube reviews from Geek & Sundry of some of the best tabletop games hosted by actor and self-professed board game geek, Wil Weaton.  We’ve loved this series and have stocked a bunch of games that we discovered through watching it.

We’ve brought in a bunch of our favorites from the show and will have them all set up at tables to test out.  Write 2 Haiku reviews for two different games you try and get a discount that day  good for two packs for the price of one or up to $5 off buying a game ($2 off for games under $20, $3 off games $20-30, and $5 off games over $30).

Grandpa Beck’s Games Looking for Kickstarter Help

Ok…it’s weird of us to promote this, because if you help them, you won’t end up buy the game from us, but what can I say, we love the guy.  Their game, Cover your Assets, is probably our all time favorite game in the store, and Grandpa Beck has come to visit us and brought this game with him.  Everybody who played it, loved it.  Besides…ya gotta love when a couple of bucks can help actually make a difference for one of the little guys.


Kickstarter Flyer

Cover Your Assets Review, D20 Games Alameda

Cover Your Assets by Grampa Beck Games..

Ben’s Review:  (Store owner Guy)

Summery:  Deceptively great game in a goofy box.  Great for virtually all player levels, and good social fun.  Best played with 3-6 players.  Extremely easy to learn, but stays fun for a long time.  Play time, 20-30 minutes a round, usually needs two rounds to get to a winner. 

There is no way, looking at the box to have even the vaguest clue how fun this game is.  The first time I saw it was at a special game store owners game night.  All the heavy hitters were there, and one look at the goofy guy in his bowler hat and my nose went up in the air and I walked right past.  After an hour, I realized that all the laughter in the room was coming from that table, so finally I went over.  There were a ton of the game makers there, so I was spending 10-15 minutes just to get the feel of each game.  So imagine my surprise when I  realized I’d been playing the game for an hour and a half.  Since then, we’ve played the game probably over a hundred times in the store.

How to play: The game play is simple, and works for ALL levels of players above 8 or so.  It’s like a stealing version of Gin Rummy.  Each player puts down matching pairs of cards (Jewels, Cars, Homes, Baseball Cards, Cash Under the Mattress) worth a fixed amount of $$ (The Assets), and works to build up a $1,00,000 to win the game. The twist is that there are about 10 of each type of card, and once you put down that $20,000 pair of homes, anyone else who has a single card that matches it can steal it on their turn, (grrr). BUT..if you have another copy in your hand (hand size is always 4 and your redraw to fill your hand whenever it gets below that) you can slap that card down and say “I don’t THINK so, buddy” and than not only do you get to keep your Homes in the family, but you get to add their card, and the card you defended with to that same pile (now worth 4x$20,000).  Yay…you are the happy winner of that raid on your assets—oh damn, they have ANOTHER Homes in their hand to answer your defense, and now the steal is successful.  UNLESS…look in your hand…that $25,000 Silver wild card (or $50,000 Gold), is itching to come out and play, and it stays yours…now a big fat $125,000 pile.  (Why are all the other players looking at my stack with such “gimmie” in their eyes?)  Until it gets to be my turn again, and I can put a different pair crossways on top of it to keep it safe (Covering your Assets…hence the name of the game) everybody else gets their shot at taking it, and they will.  Once a stack is covered, it can’t be gone after until someone else steals off the covering stacks.

Two things:  Because the game is all about stealing, it removes the feeling of  “getting picked on” that can happen with games like Risk and Sorry.  The only group I wouldn’t suggest this game for are kids who really get sore when things get taken from them in games.  You can’t count your chickens in this game, and I’ve often gone from the big pile to stripped down to my card shaped undies, and little kids who are learning to handle that kind of stuff may have problems with that.  (On the other hand, I just played with a 5 year old who had more fun taking stuff away from his dad’s pile then I’ve ever seen.)  Second, the game is virtually impossible to get to the required $1,00,000 in the first round.  That turns out to be a very good feature, because the first time around, people are figuring out the game, and their fortunes, so to speak, are never the same in the second game so by the time the two rounds are done, everyone had had a good time.

Games tend to appeal differently to different types of players and a big part of my job is helping people figure out which of the games they will like.  This is one of the cheapest games I sell, and the only game I feel utterly confident in recommending to everyone (except for the tykes as listed above).  I feel strongly enough about this game that it is the only one in the store that I’ve given an unconditional “fun” guarantee to bring it back.  So far, lots of takers, and zero returners.



The following is a review from an  11 year old player in the store.  Name is being kept private for kid safety reasons.


Cover Your A$$ETS

Cover Your Assets is a game slightly like gin rummy but with stealing or Go Fish where you can take from your opponents. The object of the game is to get $1,000,000 dollars’ worth of Assets (cards) by making pairs of cards and putting them on your Stack (a stack of cards.(OMG)) You can also steal cards from your opponents by making groups if you have a card that matches using their top pair or threesome or foursome. The twist is that you can counter or defend cards by playing another match. There are also Gold and Silver cards, which are wild and are worth $50,000 and $25,000, respectively.  It seems to work best for kids of 10 and up, in terms of maturity. It has surprising strategy and depth for a game that’s object is to steal people’s stuff to become a millionaire. This game is no fun for poor sports and hard losers, but is probably for the whole family if Junior is mature enough. This is a very good game with a singular way to win but many ways to achieve victory and many more ways to fail. It is very hard to win and equally easy to win for grizzled veterans of card games as it is for wet-eared novices of card games.  It is for 2-4 players, so it allows for a reasonable amount of unstable alliances. The estimated time is around half an hour to 45 minutes, so it takes fairly long to play.


Its fast and simple gameplay, easy-to-understand rules, complex strategy and depth earn an A+ in game design, although it is not for the whole family. Its estimated average time of gameplay also helped it earn the A+.

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