
D20 Games Weekly Update 7-16-13


—-Coming Thursday August 1st…IN STORE VISIT BY THE CREATORS OF CASTLE PANIC!!  😉 ———-

Special announcement about From the Vault at the bottom of is post…

This weekend–Pokemon and Vanguard Back to Normal, Release Events for M14 (including 2-headed Giant) and Oakland Grand Prix Qualifier on Sunday!

Had a great set of Prerelease events for Magic M14.  Some interesting highlights…

Most Busted cards in the set so far….Kalonian Hydra…Comes into play with 4 counters and doubles ALL counters on All your creatures when it attacks!  Oh, and did I mention the trample.  Remove it in the next 2 turns or that’s game….sheesh.  (Found out about this by being on the wrong side of the card…)

Winner–most Busted Card in M14

Magic M14 is Here!!!  This week—M14 release events….

  • Tuesday–Last Modern Masters League Pack week…Come in and find your partner for next week’s  League Two-headed Giant!!–Special Bonus Prize cards and goodies for the regular players tonight…We will Draft at 6 if we get 8 (again..) (and full participation credit for league members who show up and don’t wish to draft.)
  • Weds–Last Dragon’s Maze League before we start M14–come in for special tolkens and other prizes,  Also D&D Encounters ($5 fee) LOOKING for another good DM to help run a table…will be compensated in store credit, but must be good enough to represent the store…
  • Thursday at Midnight…We will open special to sell M14 Boxes and Fat Packs (.. Click here for a draft simulator.  Or here to see all the new cards…)
  • Sat. the 20th
    • we will be doing Pokemon again in the morning
    • Magic M14 Sealed at 12
    • Two-headed Giant at 5:30 (4pm for packs)
  • Sunday the 21st
    • Grand Prix Trial for Grand Prix Oakland!!!  Reg at 10 but start will be 11 am on time.  Since the packs need to be opened and registered by other players, there will be no ability to show up late for this one.  This will be a $35 sealed event using M14 (the same format that the Grand Prix will be)  This will be a competitive level event…so much more strict on the rules, though we still aim to keep the D20 Good spirit in place. 😉
    • Draft at 3 for those who want to redeem their pride (or luck)

From the Vault Twenty will be coming out on my Birthday, Aug 23rd, and as usual there will be very limited numbers.  We will start two sign up lists.  The first will be for 6 guaranteed copies at $150 each.  The second will be for a price TBD once we see what’s in the thing, but will be about 10% below what the going ebay sold rate is.  This will be a lottery, with the entries based on the two things I want to most reward, participation in store events and money spent in the store over ehe last few months.  (This year, I’m going to do estimates for both of these so I don’t spend 3 days looking through wizard’s event reporter).  ONE BIG CHANGE…

  • I will be adding extra bonus entries for the following:
    • One extra entry for every event participated in from now until the release on the 23rd
    • Bonus entry for People who attend more then 2 events a week
    • Double entries for people attending Leagues, including participating in M14 league
    • 3 Bonus Entries for people who bring in a player to an event who as not ever played with us before
    • And I reserve the right to give out extra entries (at my discretion) for players who help teach a new player how to play, or who in general are showing above and beyond kindness and support to new or intimidated/nervous players, or general good Duckishness…


D20 weekly update–7-8-13

M14-overviewIMPT….NO Pokemon or Vanguard this weekend, and No Magic Standard…Just a bunch of Magic Sealed events (Big Magic M14 Prerelease)

First really Great Chandra

For a great way to get to know the new set.. Click here for a draft simulator.  Or here to see all the new cards

Say Goodbye to Ravnica Block with the last FNM for it this Friday Night (the 12th)

Magic M14 Prerelease–As usual…we will be doing a Competitive and Casual group side by side for all of the times in question.  This is great for all players, adults and kids.  Remember…we’re limited to ~50 players for each time slot, so if you want to make sure to get a slot, reserve ahead of time.

Magic M14 Boxes are still on the Preorder price of $105, come and see us…first 3o will get the Promo Ratchet Bomb Card

Next weekend (the 20th and 21st)

  • Sat. the 20th 
    • we will be doing Pokemon again in the morning
    • Magic M14 Sealed at 12
    • Two-headed Giant at 5:30 (4pm for packs)
  • Sunday the 21st
    • Grand Prix Trial for Grand Prix Oakland!!!  Reg at 10 but start will be 11 am on time.  Since the packs need to be opened and registered by other players, there will be no ability to show up late for this one.  This will be a $35 sealed event using M14 (the same format that the Grand Prix will be)  This will be a competitive level event…so much more strict on the rules, though we still aim to keep the D20 Good spirit in place. 😉
    • Draft at 3 for those who want to redeem their pride (or luck)


Magic M14 Events @D20 Games…



July 19th is the release date for the next set of Magic Cards, the Core 2014 (otherwise known as M14).


Events for the Pre-release for M14…the return of the Slivers!!


Prerelease’s are great fun…get 6 packs of the new stuff (and a bonus special promo card) a week before it ships.  Make your best 40 card deck and play for fun and prizes.  Each

time has both a Casual and Competitive group.  Casual plays 3 rounds for prizes, win a round and win a pack. Competitive plays for at least 4 rounds, where it takes at least two winning rounds to get even a single pack, but where the top players can end up with 8 or more packs, depending on how many players are in the group.  Even if you just end up playing for the fun, for the $25 entry fee, you end up with the 6 packs of cards that you get to start with to take home and its a good time.


Release Weekend

Friday Night Magic on July 19th will be the Release for M14 and we will Draft that night at 7.
Saturday, we will do a Sealed tournament at Noon, and a Two Headed Giant at 5:30 (Get packs at 4)
Sunday, we will be doing a Qualifier for the Oakland Grand Prix that will be a competitive level Sealed Event ($35 pp).  Everyone is free to try their hand, but it will be much more strict rules enforcement then at our casual events.

Game Day

Game Day for M14 will be on Saturday and Sunday, August 11th and 12th.  As usual, this will be a standard format event.

D20 Weekly Update-6-24-13

New Fav Game at D20

This is the big week!!! Saturday the 29th we will close the store at 5:30 for the Mighty Draft!!!  Limited to 12 players, and priced at $150, this is our ultimate “find an old box and draft it” event by drafting a factory sealed box of Revised (~$1800 a box).  This is box with packs that haven’t seen fresh air in 19 years, and we are going to make an evening of it, with old-school rules and good cheer and fun competition.  If the event does not fill up, we will take a list before-hand of people that want packs at $50 each.

Revised Edition Booster Box

Congratulations to Marcus for “Clocking” everyone else and winning the ultimate Guild wars Competition Saturday night.  We had over 20 players (more than we expected) but got the message loud and clear that people REALLY wanted more two-headed Giants.  The pitch has become reality (or the other way around) and we have couple, buddies and a bunch of parent/kid combos who all have a blast at these events.  I give..we’ll do more of these.  As a direct result, I’m going to add an extra one in two weeks, side by side with the kid magic.  This will be for a limited number of teams and will be the first (and possibly only) Modern Masters Two headed Giant.  To keep the price down a little bit, we’ll be offering two options, either $50 per player for 4 regular packs, or $25 with two regular modern masters packs, & 2 repacks.)

Also–The week right after 4th of July, we will be doing the Prerelease for Magic M14.  We will have events on the 13th and 14th.  Entry is 25 and will include 6 packs of Slivery fun…

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