
M15 Prerelease Events @ D20 Games


M15-Prerelease-Banner-1Prerelease time!!! M15 is looking full of what I can only term as the Magic Equivalent of Super-Heroes. 😉 (Including SIX planeswalkers, 4 of which are brand new. )

As usual we are running 4 `prerelease events, two on Saturday and Two on Sunday.

What: Sealed Standard event (get 6 packs of the new stuff and build best 40 card deck.)  Play either competitive (at least 4 rounds, with bigger fistfuls of prize packs for the winners, but needing to win at least two rounds to get any prize packs.) or casual (play three rounds, win a round, win a pack)

Who: Who’s it good for?  Since everyone is starting from scratch from a new set, this is a great event for all players.  We run a very friendly shop, so particularly for the casual events, feel free to ask for and get help in figuring out what to make.  Regardless of what happens, you get to keep all your cards and have a day worth of fun.

Each of 5 different color prerelease pack comes with 5 M15 boosters and 1 special seeded pack of it’s color, as well as a special promo card that can be used in the deck.







Game Day Coming…And time for some Horde Battling

Game Day Full Art Kioria’s Follower
Foil Full Art Pain Seer for top 8 each day

While the weekend of Feb 22nd will include the return of one of our fav’s, the Mystery Box Two-headed giant, where each payer blindly reaches into the big box of goodness and picks a random intro pack and uses the cards from it’s deck plus the two bonus packs to blend with their partners to make two killer decks to be played side by side, the weekend that follows will bring the challenges up to a whole new level.   March 1st and 2nd will be Game Day for the Born of the Gods set.  For those who don’t know, Game day is a standard tournament ($5) entry that is unique because it is the only day to get one of 3 special prizes.  The first 30 people who enter each day will get a special full art version of Kiora’s Follower.  The top 8 players for each day will get a special full art foil version of the Pain Seer, and el numero uno each day will get the special Born of the Gods Game Day Champion playmat.  This does tend to be a more competitive event, so while kids can participate, they should both know how to play and to be ok with swimming with the big dogs and learning from playing against some really good decks.  (There are some of the kids that not only can give the adults a run for their money, but wouldn’t surprise us in the least to see walking out with the playmat.) Oh, and one more thing, since Channel Fireball has opted to run a PTQ on that weekend, some of our best players may not be here for the event, which opens up that top slot even more.  If you want to practice your standard skills, come by for our regular Sunday Tournament at 11ish and see what your deck can do.  The new cards are sparking the imagination of players for a lot of interesting home brewed decks.

Born of the Gods Game Day Champion's Playmat
Born of the Gods Game Day Champion’s Playmat

In addition, for that day we will be running the Battle the Hordes Deck as the 6th of 9 challenges in the Theros Hero’s path.  Bring in a standard deck to run against this swarming special deck that was built in the mode of the Face the Hydra deck.  We will be giving out extra promo cards to those who beat this deck on it’s harder levels and will give extra full art cards to players on Sunday after the final registration for the second Game Day has let us know what is left over.

Releases-Born of the Gods and Pokemon XY

OPEN THURS @ 10 for Midnight sales of Born of the Gods….

This week we have major releases for both Pokemon and Magic.

Born of the Gods release events this weekend.  We’ll be open at midnight on Thursday night to sell fat packs, Boxes and Packs.  Friday we will be doing Triple Born of the Gods as the first release event for Friday Night Magic.  This weekend we will do a Two-Headed Giant on Saturday Night,  A Sealed on Sunday at noon, where the 6 packs used can also be the beginning of the new League.  Everyone playing will get the release promo card of Tromokratis for as long as supplies last.

One of the Cool Cards from Pokemon XY-Source Pokebeach.com

For Pokemon, the new XY set just released.  This is the first new set of the XY series after several years of Black & White.  The new boosters, boxes,  and intro packs are on the way to the store as we write this… And we are doing a release event for XY Sat morning, starting at 10:30  Card list for Pokemon X/Y here.

Happy Holidays…see you on Thursday

Have a lovely holiday all…we will be closed for Xmas day and then back at 3 on Thursday….go play some games. 😉

On Saturday we are doing a special two-headed Giant for Thomas’s belated birthday…Avacyn Restored with a reloaded Helvault.  😉  Should be great fun…


A Different Kind of Sale @ D20…

Play-it-Forward(Personal message from Ben…store owner guy):

I had an epiphany last week.

While watching an ad for Target, showing people trying to sneak out of Thanksgiving dinner early to get to their sale, something in me just snapped.  I realized last thing in the world I wanted was for people to leave each other on one of the few days they have together as families just to go off shopping.  Sure I want the business, but not at that cost, (particularly when the biggest point of what we do is to help provide excuses for people to have fun together).

Therefore, I’ve decided to do things different for the rest of the season:

  1. We will have special hours during some of the school days and late in some evenings that are special times for parents to come in and pick up gifts without the kids in tow, and without huge crowds.  (During the morning times, we’ll provide parents with a free cup of coffee or tea, and a little kid to parent translation on what would make the kids extra happy and keep their brains getting stronger)
  2. Play it Forward!  From now until Xmas eve, every gift purchase over $25 will come with a Mystery gift (value over $5–the bigger the purchase, the bigger the gift)  that you get to decide which folks in need of some smiles it gets to go to.  The games we have are great since the older kids are often left out in these types of toy drives under an avalanche of stuffed bears and equivalent.  The charities will include:

BTW…if you want to just buy stuff for donation, we will do what we did last year, buy two and we will match with a third.

We are going to be adding reviews and recommendations to the site every day from now on.  We’ve also started using our twitter account to do to things, say what is going on live at the store, and feature either cool new stuff we just got in, or good quick sales we are having.  Feel free to subscribe if that sounds like fun.

Happy Thanksgiving!!! Fun, Turkey and Black Friday Sales (as well as Small Business Saturday)

Turkey O DoomHappy Thanksgiving Everybody!!!  Make sure to do some random act of kindness!! 😉  As always, thanks so much for the business, and more importantly, the intensely cool community.  I can’t tell you guys how thankful I am for that.
If you aren’t on the road already, swing on by and pick up a good game for either keeping kids happy in the car or good family fun that doesn’t go beep, beep. 😉  We have a bunch of stuff we can recommend (although, the beloved Cover Your Assets is ALWAYs a great family pick….just trust us on this one.)  We will be closed on Thursday because, well, we should be…we’ll be hanging and playing with our family and hope you will be as well.
We WILL be doing a Black Friday Sale (starting at 10) and Small Business Saturday Sale….very good stuff, good prizes and the return of our bonus stocking stuffer (or menorah sitter) freebies.
  • Monday:  Special how to Play Magic class at the Lib @ 1.
  • Tuesday Night–Modern Masters Draft!!! $40—no,wait…make it $33 this one time!!! (Regular packs as prizes)
  • Weds, Double prize League tournament starting at 4:30–Maybe Daytime Draft??!!
  • Thursday…closed for T-day
  • Friday—BIG Black Friday sale
  • Saturday–Small Business Sat sales and Two headed Mystery box tournament
  • Sunday 10AM Start for a $10 Magic Standard with some free Star City Goodies in the mix…!
We had a second record breaking FNM in a month on Friday before last Friday…went from 42 up to 44!!  It was VERY good we had the secret clubhouse next door to be able to use for more play space so we aren’t quiet so squished when we get full.

The Good, The Bad, and the Peter (Mohrbacher)….

The Magic cards of Peter Morbacher
The Magic cards of Peter Morbacher

Two bits of news regarding store Friend, Peter Mohrbacher.  For those of you who don’t know, Peter is one of the better Magic artists who happens to live in Alameda.  He has done a ton of cool cards, including Erebos, God of the Dead, the much maligned (only for abilities, not for lack of great art) and the ever amusing Grimgrin.  Some folks have been lucky enough to get one of the custom matts that he has done and brought by the store, and he is always happy to chat and sign cards whenever he comes in.  He moved into Alameda a couple of years ago, with a brand new baby in tow, and to no one’s surprise, only popped in a few times for the next number of months.  But since then he’s come in a bunch of times, sometimes bringing his increasingly beautiful daughter in tow.

The sad news is that he is leaving town in the beginning of Dec. to move back to his home town of Chicago to bring his daughter to be near her grandparents.  Partially this is enabled by the fact that he has left his current full time (non-magic) gig to pursue projects based on his art full time.  As sad as we are to see him go, we love his work (and like him) so we’re very excited for him.  As part of that, he has started a Kickstarter project for a special collection of his work, both playmats and full art prints, including some amazing canvas style limited framed pieces.  In two days he’s at about 40% of what he is looking for, so this is very very cool.  He will also leave us with a small gallery worth of stuff for us to sell in the store.

To celebrate having him around, we will be doing a going away party for him on Thursday, Nov. 21st, starting at ~5. He will be here to sign stuff, and we will be doing Pack Wars/Mini Masters using sets that have his work in them (Innistrad block on). Pack wars will just be for fun, and the Mini-masters will be 6 for the current block and 8 for the Innistrad block. But most important is that we have fun and get a chance to give Peter a proper send-off.

D20 Weekly updates-11/7/13

  • Recommendations for Thanksgiving family games comingmeloetta-ex
  • Black Friday sale, starting at 10
  • Two-Headed Giants now EVERY Sat. (except the first of the month–date night)
  • New Pokemon–Legendary Treasures, out on Friday…
  • How to Play Magic at the Lib. on Monday the 25th @ 1 pm
Recommendations for Thanksgiving Family Games…So as Thanksgiving approaches, we’ve started laying in our recommendations for great family games that work for different groups.  We will be putting it up shortly, but no question that Cover Your Assets is at the top of that list. We will also put out a collection of Pre-owned games that we have been building up for just such a purpose.
Black Friday Sale starting at 10am...We will also be doing a serious Black Friday Sale, so come and support your friendly neighborhood businesses, and we’ll try and blend some great sales with love and care and see if we can’t help people feel good about shopping local. 😉
Two-Headed Giants Now every Saturday (except the first):  Bowing to popular demand we are going to be doing the exceedingly popular Two-headed Giants every week, instead of a couple of times a month.  The only exception will be the first Saturday of the month that is dedicated to Date Night Magic (plus other special events when we can).  $17.50 pp (4 packs) unless it is a special event with older, more valuable sets.   We will be bringing back the mystery box for the two headed Giant on the weekend of Thanksgiving…each player reaches into the box for a surprise intro pack (intro deck plus two packs from that set).  The two players blend the two intros together to make their decks…last time we did this it was a TON of fun.
New Pokemon set, Legendary Treasures comes out on Friday.  This set has a ton of great cards in it and people were really loving it.  Packs are $4 each (buy 6 get one free) or $119 for a box of 36 (a $25 savings).
How to Play Magic Class at the Lib.  On Mon. the 25th (first day of Thanksgiving Vacation for most kids) the Main Lib. is hosting a How to Play Magic that is being run by yours truly.  We will provide the decks to use, and this is a great way to get to figure things out without any pressure. The ages for this are ~10-14, though parents who want to come along are welcome to join in.
Come on Over to Play,


–NO Pokemon or Cardfight this weekend (9/22 & 9/23) — big Magic Prerelease…
All events are $30 per player- (6 packs & special promo card).  Check out the spoilers or a draft simulator
Theros Boxes on Sale for $118…
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