D20 Games Alameda

A Different Kind of Sale @ D20…

Play-it-Forward(Personal message from Ben…store owner guy):

I had an epiphany last week.

While watching an ad for Target, showing people trying to sneak out of Thanksgiving dinner early to get to their sale, something in me just snapped.  I realized last thing in the world I wanted was for people to leave each other on one of the few days they have together as families just to go off shopping.  Sure I want the business, but not at that cost, (particularly when the biggest point of what we do is to help provide excuses for people to have fun together).

Therefore, I’ve decided to do things different for the rest of the season:

  1. We will have special hours during some of the school days and late in some evenings that are special times for parents to come in and pick up gifts without the kids in tow, and without huge crowds.  (During the morning times, we’ll provide parents with a free cup of coffee or tea, and a little kid to parent translation on what would make the kids extra happy and keep their brains getting stronger)
  2. Play it Forward!  From now until Xmas eve, every gift purchase over $25 will come with a Mystery gift (value over $5–the bigger the purchase, the bigger the gift)  that you get to decide which folks in need of some smiles it gets to go to.  The games we have are great since the older kids are often left out in these types of toy drives under an avalanche of stuffed bears and equivalent.  The charities will include:

BTW…if you want to just buy stuff for donation, we will do what we did last year, buy two and we will match with a third.

We are going to be adding reviews and recommendations to the site every day from now on.  We’ve also started using our twitter account to do to things, say what is going on live at the store, and feature either cool new stuff we just got in, or good quick sales we are having.  Feel free to subscribe if that sounds like fun.

Happy Thanksgiving!!! Fun, Turkey and Black Friday Sales (as well as Small Business Saturday)

Turkey O DoomHappy Thanksgiving Everybody!!!  Make sure to do some random act of kindness!! 😉  As always, thanks so much for the business, and more importantly, the intensely cool community.  I can’t tell you guys how thankful I am for that.
If you aren’t on the road already, swing on by and pick up a good game for either keeping kids happy in the car or good family fun that doesn’t go beep, beep. 😉  We have a bunch of stuff we can recommend (although, the beloved Cover Your Assets is ALWAYs a great family pick….just trust us on this one.)  We will be closed on Thursday because, well, we should be…we’ll be hanging and playing with our family and hope you will be as well.
We WILL be doing a Black Friday Sale (starting at 10) and Small Business Saturday Sale….very good stuff, good prizes and the return of our bonus stocking stuffer (or menorah sitter) freebies.
  • Monday:  Special how to Play Magic class at the Lib @ 1.
  • Tuesday Night–Modern Masters Draft!!! $40—no,wait…make it $33 this one time!!! (Regular packs as prizes)
  • Weds, Double prize League tournament starting at 4:30–Maybe Daytime Draft??!!
  • Thursday…closed for T-day
  • Friday—BIG Black Friday sale
  • Saturday–Small Business Sat sales and Two headed Mystery box tournament
  • Sunday 10AM Start for a $10 Magic Standard with some free Star City Goodies in the mix…!
We had a second record breaking FNM in a month on Friday before last Friday…went from 42 up to 44!!  It was VERY good we had the secret clubhouse next door to be able to use for more play space so we aren’t quiet so squished when we get full.

The Good, The Bad, and the Peter (Mohrbacher)….

The Magic cards of Peter Morbacher
The Magic cards of Peter Morbacher

Two bits of news regarding store Friend, Peter Mohrbacher.  For those of you who don’t know, Peter is one of the better Magic artists who happens to live in Alameda.  He has done a ton of cool cards, including Erebos, God of the Dead, the much maligned (only for abilities, not for lack of great art) and the ever amusing Grimgrin.  Some folks have been lucky enough to get one of the custom matts that he has done and brought by the store, and he is always happy to chat and sign cards whenever he comes in.  He moved into Alameda a couple of years ago, with a brand new baby in tow, and to no one’s surprise, only popped in a few times for the next number of months.  But since then he’s come in a bunch of times, sometimes bringing his increasingly beautiful daughter in tow.

The sad news is that he is leaving town in the beginning of Dec. to move back to his home town of Chicago to bring his daughter to be near her grandparents.  Partially this is enabled by the fact that he has left his current full time (non-magic) gig to pursue projects based on his art full time.  As sad as we are to see him go, we love his work (and like him) so we’re very excited for him.  As part of that, he has started a Kickstarter project for a special collection of his work, both playmats and full art prints, including some amazing canvas style limited framed pieces.  In two days he’s at about 40% of what he is looking for, so this is very very cool.  He will also leave us with a small gallery worth of stuff for us to sell in the store.

To celebrate having him around, we will be doing a going away party for him on Thursday, Nov. 21st, starting at ~5. He will be here to sign stuff, and we will be doing Pack Wars/Mini Masters using sets that have his work in them (Innistrad block on). Pack wars will just be for fun, and the Mini-masters will be 6 for the current block and 8 for the Innistrad block. But most important is that we have fun and get a chance to give Peter a proper send-off.

D20 Weekly updates-11/7/13

  • Recommendations for Thanksgiving family games comingmeloetta-ex
  • Black Friday sale, starting at 10
  • Two-Headed Giants now EVERY Sat. (except the first of the month–date night)
  • New Pokemon–Legendary Treasures, out on Friday…
  • How to Play Magic at the Lib. on Monday the 25th @ 1 pm
Recommendations for Thanksgiving Family Games…So as Thanksgiving approaches, we’ve started laying in our recommendations for great family games that work for different groups.  We will be putting it up shortly, but no question that Cover Your Assets is at the top of that list. We will also put out a collection of Pre-owned games that we have been building up for just such a purpose.
Black Friday Sale starting at 10am...We will also be doing a serious Black Friday Sale, so come and support your friendly neighborhood businesses, and we’ll try and blend some great sales with love and care and see if we can’t help people feel good about shopping local. 😉
Two-Headed Giants Now every Saturday (except the first):  Bowing to popular demand we are going to be doing the exceedingly popular Two-headed Giants every week, instead of a couple of times a month.  The only exception will be the first Saturday of the month that is dedicated to Date Night Magic (plus other special events when we can).  $17.50 pp (4 packs) unless it is a special event with older, more valuable sets.   We will be bringing back the mystery box for the two headed Giant on the weekend of Thanksgiving…each player reaches into the box for a surprise intro pack (intro deck plus two packs from that set).  The two players blend the two intros together to make their decks…last time we did this it was a TON of fun.
New Pokemon set, Legendary Treasures comes out on Friday.  This set has a ton of great cards in it and people were really loving it.  Packs are $4 each (buy 6 get one free) or $119 for a box of 36 (a $25 savings).
How to Play Magic Class at the Lib.  On Mon. the 25th (first day of Thanksgiving Vacation for most kids) the Main Lib. is hosting a How to Play Magic that is being run by yours truly.  We will provide the decks to use, and this is a great way to get to figure things out without any pressure. The ages for this are ~10-14, though parents who want to come along are welcome to join in.
Come on Over to Play,

A change in Two-Headed Giants….Now Every Sat, but the first….


Ok, ok,,,I give…We’ve bowed to popular demand and decided to start doing Two-headed Giants every Saturday night except the first of the month (which is for Date Night Magic.)  For those who don’t know, Two-headed giants are team magic games, where two people build their decks together, and play as a team. We get a bunch of buddies playing, as well as couples and parent/kid teams.  Because you get to show each other your cards and decide what to do together, it is a great way for new players to have a great time without feeling any pressure to need to know what they are doing yet.  (Since you talk about each thing you do, you don’t have to worry about “doing it wrong”). For an experienced player, it’s a great way to share what they love doing with someone they care about, and for those others, it is a really fun way to see what is going on, without feeling any pressure.  These events are very casual and light hearted, so it makes for a really great night.

Kids and parents playing in the two headed giant

Events are $17.50 per person (4 packs for each) unless we do a special/older set that is more expensive. Side note to parents:  Ok…from one parent to another (INCLUDING THE MOMS), this is really wonderful thing to do with your kids.  They love it because they get to be the smart one for once and they get you to share something with them that they love.  You get to see what it is all about, and because you are on the same team and get to talk about everything you do, you don’t have to struggle with either competing with your kid, or having them go so fast that you can’t follow, or get into the standard parent/kid arguments about what you should have done. 😉  More importantly (and again, I have 12 year old and 9 year old kids too), we are hitting the time when the kids are pulling away, embarrassed to be hugged and just turning into those ‘wah,wah, wah” adults from the old peanuts cartoons.  We’ve had a lot of parents that have found this little oasis of maintained connection as they do this with their kids.  Having a “date” with them like this is pretty cool, and feels good for both of you.

Newish Website, and Fun for this week

bad computer

After weeks and weeks of epic battles with the website…(mostly with me losing)…things are finally looking a bit more like I have a clue!!  Lick the banana, it tastes like banana, lick the snozberrys, they taste like strawberries, and click on an event on the site, and it actually seems to get there.  (I know it seems like it shouldn’t be that hard..that’s what I thought too.)

So the Special Event fun for this week…

  • Pre-release for Pokemon Legendary Treasures on Saturday -register around 3-play at 4 going to 5:30–$30 (Cash) gets 6 packs plus bonus packs
  • Sat. Night at 5:30—First weekend of the month…Date Night Magic for well behaved kids 9-14…$15 per player plus $5 for pizza.
  • Sat. Night Starting at 6:30 (to 7) Ben’s all time fav. set to Draft…Rise of the Eldrazi!!  Join Emerkul and the other Big Dogs of Magic for some great out of print fun…$40 pp and limited to 12.

New in Stock and for sale on Friday...the 2013 Magic Commander decks…  These 100 card special decks feature great classic cards as well as some never seen before cards, including the first ever card with protection, not from another color or creature, but from a player!?!  For the first batches we have, we’ll be selling them for $45 for each (except the Mindseize with that special card which is going for $65).  These are VERY limited, so if you want ’em, grab them fast.  Any player who buys 3 or more will get a Modern Masters Pack as a bonus.  $199 gets a bundle of all 5 and 2 Modern Masters packs.



42—Life, the universe and everything….And Halloween @ D20 Games

42 players for FNM at D20 games…our new record

42 isn’t just the ultimate answer…it’s also the new record for the number of players for Friday Night Magic at D20 Games!! And last weekend, we sold out yet another two-headed Giant.



This saturday night , we will have our tribute to halloween…our Two-headless Giant.  We’re bringing back the best all time halloween block—Innistrad.  This set has gone way up in price as it went out of print, so the price per player will be $33 rather then the usual $17.50, however, to give a chance for a little discount, anyone who comes dressed as any character from Innistrad, Dark Ascension, or Avacyn Restored gets an extra $3 off per person.

Theros Launch Events

Theros Events @ D20

Theros Launch Events

Theros, is the first of the new cycle of Magic cards, set in a world inspired by Greek mythology, and besides looking great, and being designed by one of the best teams at Wizards, features a new bonus set of puzzles and challenges called the Hero’s Path.  The Hero’s Path will start with the Prerelease and go through the Release weekend, and end up (for this first set) during the Theros Game Day.

The Events:

Prerelease Weekend: Sat Sept 21 & Sun. the 22nd.  Main events will be sealed (get 6 packs, make your best 40 card deck.  As usual, we will be doing a competitive (at least 4 rounds, with big handfuls of packs to the top players, but needing to win at least two round to get a single bonus pack.) and casual (3 rounds, win a round-win a pack…much more gentle and aimed for fun.)  Remember, all of us will be playing with the cards for the first time, so don’t worry about knowing what you are doing…just have fun.  Cost is $30 and includes a special box that includes 6 packs and a special Promo card as well as other goodies…  BTW…picking your color makes a difference…in each box, one of the packs is a special “Seed” pack with cards to support the chosen color, as well as a related promo card that you CAN play in the prerelease.

Also, Based on popular demand…we’ll be doing a Two-Headed Giant for that weekend. 😉


Here is info about the hero’s path directly from the Wizards website….

Choose Your Path | Theros Prerelease | September 21-22, 2013


The first step of your journey is beginning to understand yourself and the world around you, and the part you will play in it. This happens at the Theros Prerelease, where you will choose the path you follow as a Hero in the world of Theros. Are you honorable? Ambitious? Reckless? Feckless? Maybe you are all of these and more; at the Prerelease will be your first chance to choose a specific path related to one of the five colors of Magic and begin to “level up” as a Hero.

What do I mean when I say “level up?” I believe the most important factor in a series of individual quests is a sense of progression, and we have tried to capture that in the Hero’s Path in a uniquelyMagic way. In each of the nine quests of the Hero’s Path, you will receive a unique Hero Card. As you collect these, you grow in power and become ever-increasingly more prepared for the epic conflicts at the end of each arc.

Let’s talk about this interesting new item called a Hero Card. It’s a physical card that has Magic-like abilities, but isn’t a Magic card. Hero Cards are not for use at the Prerelease; you collect them to prepare for the battle at the end of the set’s Hero’s Path arc. It is a powerful “buff” for when you battle terrible evil at the end of an arc of the Hero’s Path. There is a specific Hero Card in each of the five Prerelease boxes at the Theros Prerelease. Check them out below!

On the back are a few notes about the quest you just completed (grats!) and a code for a unique achievement (ding!), which you can redeem on PlaneswalkerPoints.com. As you complete more and more quests, you inch ever closer to proving your legend—and those who complete all nine will be included in the Hall of Heroes, a place where we honor the greatest Heroes from the Hero’s Path.

All of that—the Hero Card, the epic conflict at the end of the arc, the Planeswalker Points achievement—that happens after the Prerelease. At the Prerelease, you’ll get a Prerelease pack! It contains a special seed booster with lots of cards in the color you choose. As with the Return to Ravnica and Gatecrash Prereleases, you’ll get a *playable* Prerelease promo in this seed booster. There’s an activity inside your box related to exploring the world of Theros, something fun to do in between rounds. Once completed, you are finished with Quest #1 and you’re ready to continue on the Hero’s Path.

It’s Dangerous to Go Alone, Take This

Once the Hero hears the call and understands that maybe he or she has the power to change the fates of friends and family, the next step is a departure from home. The Hero begins to step into the unknown, into a world of adventure and (generally) epic travel. You will go far, Hero, further than you can imagine, to take on the legendary challenge set before you. Theros is a world where the gods are real—and those gods will grant you a boon at the start of your journey.

Gift from the Gods | Theros Release | September 27-29, 2013


The second step is divining the will of the gods and starting your travels with their blessing. AtTheros Release Weekend, which starts with Friday Night Magic that first evening, you’ll see a unique and mysterious poster emblazoned with the Hero’s Path symbol. This poster is a puzzle sent from the gods as a message to their chosen Hero. There’s plenty of Magic play going on during a launch weekend, so be sure to stop in and get some drafts and/or games in with the new set! In between, the puzzle poster will be there, enticing you with its divine secrets.


When you recognize the hints in the poster and discover the answer, you can collect your next Hero Card. Now, Hero, you have two (or more!) Hero cards and you’re prepared for the battle to defend civilization from a rampaging monster.

Challenge Accepted

The keystone of our Hero’s Path campaign are three “boss” fights at the end of each arc. These have a two-fold purpose. First, as in the journey of the Hero, they represent a threshold and its guardian, and progress to the next tier of legend can be attained only through victory. Second, as in many video games, they provide a solid place to test your skill and progress and receive a reward that can propel you to the next “level.”

Face the Hydra | Theros Game Day | October 19-20, 2013


The third and final step of the Theros arc of the Hero’s Path is taking on a special challenge: can you stop an epic Hydra from ravaging the countryside? At Theros Game Day, in addition to the regular Standard tournament, there will be a unique game-play experience available called a Challenge Deck.

The Face the Hydra Challenge Deck—which represents the “boss fight” for the first arc of the Hero’s Path—consists of two kinds of cards; these are not Magic cards but they have Magic-like abilities. The first is a head card, which represents one of the many Hydra heads bent on devouring you. The second is a sorcery card, which represents some aspect of the fight where the Hydra powers up or makes a special attack on you.


The way you play against the Face the Hydra Challenge Deck is unique—you take your Standard deck and shuffle up, then the Hydra follows a predetermined sequence of casting cards from its shuffled deck and blasting you for damage. The goal is to eliminate all of the Hydra heads before it eats you. But, of course… when you cut one head down, sometimes more regenerate, which can make this a difficult challenge indeed!

Back from the Oakland Grand Prix



Ryan meets a Magic Legend under the cameras…

Had a lovely time at the Grand Prix last weekend (came in 335 out of 1600+….not bad for an old guy…grin).  Even cooler were the small army of D20 folks going around the show with D20 Shirts. 😉

BTW…thanks for all the very nice birthday wishes…  Oh, and Congrats to Ryan C, who was in one of the feature matches, and especially to our own Alan M. who came in 10th place!! after being the last undefeated player on the first day…Great job!!

My pulls for the main event were horrible….basically I had a few black and white humans, a Xathrid Necromancer, and Planner Cleansing. My only real win condition was to hope I got my humans out and then wipe the board.  I’m really not sure how I ended up 6-3 for the day.  My best win of the day was not in the main event, but was a stupid good combo I got out with what ended up as an indestructible vigilant 8/6 creature with lifelink.  I felt bad for my opponent.  Ok…not that bad.  😉




Oh..we just got in a very cool new game. It is a D&D like game from the Pathfinder folks where all the elements are on cards, so you can play D&D style adventures without having to have a Dungeon Masters.  The game can even be played as a single player.  (GREAT alternative to video games for the only child or kids without sibs in the right age range.) Pathtfinder Rise of the Runelords. Price is $59.99

Pathfinder Adventure Card Game

Warm Regards,
Yer Store owner guy…Ben

D20 update 8-20-13 Closed 24-25th for Grand Prix Oakland.

IMPT…D20 will be closed on Sat Aug. 24th and Sunday the 25th For Grand Prix Oakland. No Pokemon or Vanguard this weekend…back next week.

Friday the 23rd is Ben’s 50th Birthday, and to celebrate he’s going to join the rest of the team to go to the Magic Grand Prix at the Oakland Convention Center this weekend.

A few last minute changes for the events this week:  GP practice moved from Weds to Thursday.

Our New Team D20 Shirts

  • Weds:-NOTE–Closed at 6 except for D&D Encounters Players
    • League from 4:30 to 7 (open short hours this week.)
    • D&D from 6-9-(No D&D on the first week of school….)
  • Thursday–Pick up Team D20 Tee Shirts….Last Practice m14. Sealed  ($20–play at 5:30 pm)
  • Friday: FNM


Sunday: CLOSED


Next weekend–Saturday Night Two Headed Giant.


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