Dragon’s Maze

Dragon’s Maze Prerelease 4/27 & 4/28


Dragon's Maze Prerelease at D20 games in Alameda

Pick a Guild…any guild!  😉  Dragon’s Maze is the last set in the Ravnica Block, bringing support for all 10 of the guilds of Ravnica , so players who register early will get to their favorite from all 10 guilds.

At D20 Games, we work hard to create a welcoming place for players of all levels to play, well, for the fun of it. 😉

A couple of new things for the Dragon’s Maze prerelease.

  1. Pick from all ten guilds(20 total of each…reserve early to get your choice)…each pack will contain 4 packs of Dragon’s Maze cards, one special pack of just cards for the chosen guild, and one pack of a secret ally guild that shares a color with the guild selected.
  2. The Implicit Maze…members of each guild can participate in the Implicit Maze Race.  If team members win enough to get to complete the maze, they will get a chance to win special code cards good for virtual badges for their Planeswalker.com accounts
  3. The special foil promo card will be for everyone and not for use in the decks.  There will also be a bonus  promo foil land for those who do the maze.
    Maze's End Prom Card for Dragon's Maze Prerelease
    Promo card for Dragon’s Maze Prerelease

When:  We will be having 3 times

  • Sat. 4/27 at 10 (Get packs starting at 10-build decks to start playing at 11 am) 
  • Sat. 4/27 at 4 (Get packs starting at 4-build decks to start playing at 5:15)
  • Sun. 4/28 at 10 (Get packs starting at 10. Start playing at 11:30)
  • (we may add another on sunday @ 5 if we have enough demand.)

Cost: $30 per person –EXTRA BONUS–free pack of basic Ultra-pro sleeves or basic deck box

Format: Sealed (6 packs…make your best 40 card deck–Sealed means everyone starts out with the same number of packs and will take about 23 of those 80+ card to buidl a deck (we provide lands to borrow, though if you have them to bring, we’ll give you an extra smile)

Experienced Vs. Casual players:  This is a great event for both experienced and casual players and we work hard to take care of both groups. For both…we always play for the fun of the game. 😉

  • Competitive:  4-6 rounds depending on number of players, with the top players getting most of the 2 pack per attendee prizes.  (must win at least two rounds to get prize. Prize payout based on number of players) 
  • Kids & Casual is more of our standard draft style, with three rounds, with a prize pack given for each round won. Prizes are smaller but more spread out. (NOTE—Because of the Implicit maze event, we will give the Kids and casual players an option to play an extra round to try and win the virtual promo badges, but it is optional and there won’t be other prizes for the 4th round besides those promo badge code cards. )


[iframe src=”http://www.eventbrite.com/tickets-external?eid=6146720005&ref=etckt&v=2″ frameborder=”0″ height=”260″ width=”100%” vspace=”0″ hspace=”0″ marginheight=”5″ marginwidth=”5″ scrolling=”auto” allowtransparency=”true”>

What’s Happening at D20 Games in Alameda


Modern Master’s Figure of Destiny
  • Looking for some good DM’s—Sat June 15th is Free RPG day at the store, in addition to giving out a bunch of free RPG goodies, we will be running what could be up to a 3-8 table joint adventure…but we need some good DM’s to help us out.
  • Ok…still battling with the website….so far it’s taken the first game…but the match isn’t open yet.–The Event list is battling
  • IMPT>>>Sunday Standard is moving to 11:30 start from 12:30 start so we can start regular 3 pm drafts (Modern Masters Next week)
  • Saturday Morning…Registering at 10am— Pokemon Battle Roads tournament...(Lots of people..not the best for the smaller kids that can get overwhelmed)
  • Also on Saturday June 8th…Two Headed Giant (starting a bit later because of the Battle Roads.)  Packs at 4 or so…but no space to build until about 5–start playing at 6
  • Modern Masters ships this week
    • Limited number of Drafts during the opening weekend ($35 for the first weekend, $40 after that weekend)
    • Friday, June 7th, 6pm and 9pm
    • Saturday June 8th, 9pm
    • Sunday June 9th, 3 pm
  • Taking reservations for the first (and only) Revised Box Draft –Yep…we are doing the most over the top draft ever…a factory sealed box of Revised.  Cost is $150 per person to open packs that haven’t seen fresh air in 19 years. 😉  (NOTE–New date for this…June 29th!!!)
  • Tuesdays starting June 11th… Modern Masters League.  Register here…  ($100 for 6 starter packs plus 5 weekly packs…more then half sold out so far..)These packs will be cool but in very limited supply.  Packs look like they will be between $13-15 per and are FULL of amazing stuff for Magic Modern.
  • Wednesdays…we are doing D&D encounters from 6-9.  We’ve pretty much got the first table either filled or close each week, so we’re looking for a couple more people to DM for us.  Check out my newly written Intro to D&D blog post for parents and other curious types

Older news—

No more Adult Yugioh @ D20  for the whole story  click here.
Thanks to everyone for the post break in support..we’re doing much better..   Click here  for the story.

D20 Games Events this week… (6/04/2013)


  • Vanguard, Pokemon, Kaijudo and Magic open play.


  • New Dragon’s Maze League (short league before summer League) 6 packs to start or one of the prerlease 6 pack sets.


  • 5:30…Magic Time Walk Duels!!  $5 entry ($4 into a pack for the prize pool)  We got this wonderful collection of Intro Decks from 1996-2008 in perfect condition.  Pick your weapon from the History of Magic and see how it does…pick a favorite from the past or something you’ve never tried before.  We’re going to do this from now on, so come and have some historical fun.
  • Board Game Test Night. Check out new board games from 5-7 (or later)–Play a game and write a review…get a punchcard punch good for special deals!!!
  • OPEN AT MIDNIGHT FOR Modern Masters sales.  League players can get their first packs and we will sell limited numbers of packs per day.


  •  Magic League Play-4-5:30 for kids, anytime for adults
  • 6PM  Modern Masters Draft (Limited to 8–$35)
  • Friday Night Magic: Dragon’s Maze Draft 6:45. $15 (Special deal..sleeves $2 for drafters) Drafting Dragon’s Maze-Gatecrash-Ravnica
  • 9 pm Modern Masters Draft (Limited to 8-$35)


  • Registering at 10- Pokemon Battle Roads tournament...(Lots of people..not the best for the smaller kids that can get overwhelmed)
  • 11-1:00 Pokemon League…$5 and great fun for all ages. Free play with other folks who love Pokemon with rewards for how many times you play. ADDING Competitive tournament each week.  $5 entry (4 into prize pool for packs). Single Elimination.
  • Two Headed Giant (starting a bit later because of the Battle Roads.)  Packs at 4 or so…but no space to build until about 5–start playing at 6
  • Date Night Magic 5 for pizza, 5:30 for draft.  $15 for the event plus $5 for pizza and drink for kids 9-12–kids will have the option of playing in the launch event instead if they would like.
  • 9PM  Modern Masters Draft




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