Magic Tournaments

Kahn’s of Tarkir-Preorder Boxes now…

EN_MTGKTK_BstrDspHey folks.  Kahn’s of Tarkir Is looking great and just revealed a big surprise…the return of the onslaught Block Fetch Lands! This..(and the General Fun Cards that are being previewed in the Set) are making buying the booster boxes a hot commodity.)  Presale boxes are going for $109.99 as of Sept 2nd and will include the buy a box promo card for the first 30 boxes sold (that is 20 more at the time of this posting.)  Traditionally the preorder prices go up $10 per week to encourage people ordering as far in advance as we can.

Latest spoilers are here 


Some of our fave Cards so far….

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Friday Night Magic

New Location—1530 Park Street

160x600_FNMCost is $15 and comes with an optional pack of $3.50 ultra pro sleeves for only $2 extra. Format is casual, playing 3 rounds, with a pack for a prize for the winner of each round.

The Friday drafts start later, so are recommended for adults (or more advanced kids).  We run more kid friendly events on other times

BTW…GREAT Draft Practice sites

Come on in.  Drafts are a great way for everybody to start out on the same footing and have an equal chance to win and an guaranteed chance to have fun. While we have some great competitive players, we take great pride in remembering that playing games is supposed to be fun and focusing on helping everybody have a great time.

Players should know how to play the game, but players who have never tried drafting, new players, and players who haven’t played for a long time will find us a warm and welcoming group, who will help them to get comfortable so we can add new people to our mix.If you want help in getting more comfortable before hand, come on in and we’ll hook you up with one of our regulars to help out.  Being a comfortable and fun place to play is our specialty.

We also run kid specific drafts on the first Saturday of each month. We also do Two-headed Giants on most other Saturdays that end by 8:30 and are friendly for almost every age and experience group. 510-522-2109.

Friday Night Magic

New Location—1530 Park Street

160x600_FNMFor the next few weeks after Iconic Masters ships…we will do Regular draft ($15 ) side by side with Iconic Masters ($40/$35 with regular prize packs).  Both will run as long as we have enough for standard draft.

Cost is $15 and comes with an optional pack of $3.50 ultra pro sleeves for only $2 extra. Format is casual, playing 3 rounds, with a pack for a prize for the winner of each round.

The Friday drafts start later, so are recommended for adults (or more advanced kids).  We run more kid friendly events on other times

BTW…GREAT Draft Practice sites

Come on in.  Drafts are a great way for everybody to start out on the same footing and have an equal chance to win and an guaranteed chance to have fun. While we have some great competitive players, we take great pride in remembering that playing games is supposed to be fun and focusing on helping everybody have a great time.

Players should know how to play the game, but players who have never tried drafting, new players, and players who haven’t played for a long time will find us a warm and welcoming group, who will help them to get comfortable so we can add new people to our mix.If you want help in getting more comfortable before hand, come on in and we’ll hook you up with one of our regulars to help out.  Being a comfortable and fun place to play is our specialty.

We also run kid specific drafts on the first Saturday of each month. We also do Two-headed Giants on most other Saturdays that end by 8:30 and are friendly for almost every age and experience group. 510-522-2109.

Garruk, Apex Predator

The Scoop on the Magic 2015 Core Set, M15 Rocks

[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_column_text]Magic sets come out every 3 months, and this time each year in July, we get the next  Core Set.  This year, in addition to the normal bucket of old classic cards, the Magic 2015 Core set  is overstuffed with goodies, both great individual cards, and a collection of mini-themes, some of which lay some big hints about what is coming in the fall. Plus, SIX, count ’em six planeswalkers, including 4 brand new ones.

The really cool stuff includes the Souls, a bunch of 6/6 power-spitters for each color.  There are 5 new legendary creatures, 6 new slivers, including a 5/5 that makes all slivers indestructible. We also have the return of the pain lands (two-color lands that do one damage every time they are tapped for a color) and one of my favorites, the Paragons.  These are 2/2 creatures that give all other creatures of the same color +1/+1 and add an ability to give one fellow critter an ability that is appropriate for the color (flying, death-touch, trample, etc.).  And there are a few cards that give a nice little hint about what is going to be in the set that is coming in the fall…. (a card that gives all dragons +3/+3….hmmm, what could that mean. 😉


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M15 Prerelease Events @ D20 Games


M15-Prerelease-Banner-1Prerelease time!!! M15 is looking full of what I can only term as the Magic Equivalent of Super-Heroes. 😉 (Including SIX planeswalkers, 4 of which are brand new. )

As usual we are running 4 `prerelease events, two on Saturday and Two on Sunday.

What: Sealed Standard event (get 6 packs of the new stuff and build best 40 card deck.)  Play either competitive (at least 4 rounds, with bigger fistfuls of prize packs for the winners, but needing to win at least two rounds to get any prize packs.) or casual (play three rounds, win a round, win a pack)

Who: Who’s it good for?  Since everyone is starting from scratch from a new set, this is a great event for all players.  We run a very friendly shop, so particularly for the casual events, feel free to ask for and get help in figuring out what to make.  Regardless of what happens, you get to keep all your cards and have a day worth of fun.

Each of 5 different color prerelease pack comes with 5 M15 boosters and 1 special seeded pack of it’s color, as well as a special promo card that can be used in the deck.







Time for a Conspiracy (Magic Conspiracy Drafts)

You can’t have a good conspiracy on your own.  And that is the secret sauce to the special Magic set , coming out on June 6th.  This draft -centric, multi-player set is all about what we can do for, er, to each other.   This is a special set, much like Modern Masters, with limited initial qualities, though they say that there will be some reprinting after (we are being wary..squirreling away our boxes to let people play with until we know the score.)

We will be drafting this like crazy on that first weekend, and will do it regularly afterwords.  Drafts will be $20 pp, with each player getting at least one prize pack, and the top two players getting a free entry into the next draft (or 3 prize packs.)

Lore Seeker…get to go and add a Worldwake booster to the draft?

Messing with a Draft: Drafting is one of the most fun things you can do in magic. And this set takes the standard “get 3 packs, open 1, pick a card and pass to the left/right” and tosses it in the blender.  One of our customers described it beautifully by saying that it “broke the 4th wall” of a draft, and I think that’s true. In this set, there are cards that start the game during the draft itself, letting people mess with each other as the draft is going on.  (BTW…all Conspiracy drafts are casual format–will of WOTC.)

King of the Hill: Conspiracy is designed to play very differently.  When a 8 (or 6) person draft is done, the players are broken into two random groups, and the winner is the last one standing.  Most of the drafts we will do will have everyone getting a single bonus prize pack, and the top player in each of the pods, getting the chance to keep on drafting with a free entry into the next draft ( or 3 prize packs).  There is the draft and one big multiplayer game, and then the next draft.  Kind of cool…that way you are playing to build up your collection, rather then just buying packs.  (Packs will cost minimum of $5, so the draft is a great way to go.)

And the winner is….

Democracy and Conspiracy?  Sure…these have always been strange and familiar bedfellows. There cards in the set that have effects where the players put what is going to happen next up to a vote!?!?!

More info on the different Mechanics (from the Wizards of the Coast website)

Table of Contents
How the drafting works (differently) with this set
Cards that messes with the drafts
These are permanents that affect what goes on with the way the game is played (like who goes first or letting everybody draw a whole second hand and then chose which one to play with….)
These are conspiracies that are played in secret (ie face down) revealed whenever the controlling player feels is the right time.
To even things out, this ability triggers whenever someone attacks the player with the most life, or tied with the most life.
Everybody gets a vote on this one (sometimes more then one….)

With this ability everybody reveals the top card of their library, then whoever did it gets some benefit from what is revealed, but EVERYBODY gets to draw a card at the end.  A good parley is good for everybody.

More as we get it…


Magic Game Day(s) Sat & Sun 24-25th

Jouney-into-Nyx-GamedayThe 9 event Hero’s Path that Wizards started with Theros comes to its conclusion this weekend, with the chance to play against the Defeat a God, starting during the Game Day events.  Players can bring a standard deck or can use one of the draft or two-headed Giant decks to play against the third (and final) of the special challenge decks.  Bring in any of the hero cards that you may have acquired during the previous prereleases or special events and you can pick two that will help during with your battle with the gods themselves.  We are also doing at Journey Into Nyx Two Headed Giant on the 24th, to round out the day…

Every player gets this full art promo
Foil full art promo for the top 8 each day

Also, starting at 10 am on Sat the 24th and Sun the 25th are the Journey Into Nyx Game Day events.  These competitive standard format tournaments will have special full art promo cards for each player, foil full art promo cards for the top 8 of each event, and el numero uno each day gets the special championship playmat.

First place playmat for each days winner.

Journey Into Nyx —Last Set in Theros Block…

[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″ css=”.vc_custom_1398449619935{background-color: #d6dfa4 !important;}”][vc_column_text]Journey To Nyx!!!  Prerelease this weekend (4/26-427)[/vc_column_text][vc_video link=””][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/1″][vc_separator color=”grey”][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_tabs][vc_tab title=”What’s new” tab_id=”1398447790-1-66″][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/2″][vc_column_text]
New Friends face Old Gods

LAST WEEK to pre-order boxes and to sign up for the prerelease events….  Remember, these are great fun for beginner and advanced players alike.

Booster Boxes in advance are currently $105, They will go up to $110 next week..

Spoiler Time….the last set in the Theros block, Journey Into Nyx started spoiling this week….

We will be doing our Prereleases on the weekend of April 26th and 27th…

Here is the latest….[/vc_column_text][/vc_column_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/2″][vc_images_carousel images=”2460,2453,2455,2456,2459,2458,2454,2457″ onclick=”link_image” custom_links_target=”_self” mode=”horizontal” speed=”2500″ slides_per_view=”1″ autoplay=”yes” title=”Cool Journey Cards” img_size=”full”][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][/vc_tab][vc_tab title=”The New Mechanics” tab_id=”1398447790-2-7″][vc_column_text]The new mechanics for the set (Monstrosity, Heroic and Bestow are all back as well)…

Constellation fires off whenever another enchantment hits the field

Constellation —Another Enchantment effect…whenever an enchantment enters the battlefield, it makes this ability fire.

Got the mana…spread the love around.

Strive–Sort of like kicker, this lets you pay an extra amount to have the spell get extra targets. (think the old Fireball spells)





[/vc_column_text][/vc_tab][vc_tab title=”Buy Tix here…” tab_id=”1398448157909-2-0″][vc_posts_slider type=”flexslider_fade” interval=”3″ link=”link_post” order=”ASC” title=”Journey into Nyx events” posttypes=”tribe_events” posts_in=”2423, 2424, 2425, 2420″][/vc_tab][/vc_tabs][vc_separator color=”grey”][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Game Day Coming…And time for some Horde Battling

Game Day Full Art Kioria’s Follower
Foil Full Art Pain Seer for top 8 each day

While the weekend of Feb 22nd will include the return of one of our fav’s, the Mystery Box Two-headed giant, where each payer blindly reaches into the big box of goodness and picks a random intro pack and uses the cards from it’s deck plus the two bonus packs to blend with their partners to make two killer decks to be played side by side, the weekend that follows will bring the challenges up to a whole new level.   March 1st and 2nd will be Game Day for the Born of the Gods set.  For those who don’t know, Game day is a standard tournament ($5) entry that is unique because it is the only day to get one of 3 special prizes.  The first 30 people who enter each day will get a special full art version of Kiora’s Follower.  The top 8 players for each day will get a special full art foil version of the Pain Seer, and el numero uno each day will get the special Born of the Gods Game Day Champion playmat.  This does tend to be a more competitive event, so while kids can participate, they should both know how to play and to be ok with swimming with the big dogs and learning from playing against some really good decks.  (There are some of the kids that not only can give the adults a run for their money, but wouldn’t surprise us in the least to see walking out with the playmat.) Oh, and one more thing, since Channel Fireball has opted to run a PTQ on that weekend, some of our best players may not be here for the event, which opens up that top slot even more.  If you want to practice your standard skills, come by for our regular Sunday Tournament at 11ish and see what your deck can do.  The new cards are sparking the imagination of players for a lot of interesting home brewed decks.

Born of the Gods Game Day Champion's Playmat
Born of the Gods Game Day Champion’s Playmat

In addition, for that day we will be running the Battle the Hordes Deck as the 6th of 9 challenges in the Theros Hero’s path.  Bring in a standard deck to run against this swarming special deck that was built in the mode of the Face the Hydra deck.  We will be giving out extra promo cards to those who beat this deck on it’s harder levels and will give extra full art cards to players on Sunday after the final registration for the second Game Day has let us know what is left over.

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