D20 Games

D20 Update-7-29

Event list is out of date…problems with the system…sorry


Thursday…great special treat….  The creators of one of our favorite games, Castle Panic, are coming to visit the store and play.  For those who don’t know the game, it a wonderful game for both kids and adults, and because it is everyone against the game, is particularly wonderful for siblings (action without frustration), or only kids (great to play with buds, but also one of the few games that can be played solo, since it is the player against the game.)  For fans, get to meet the creators and bring in your game to have them sign them…for parents, it is very, very cool for kids to see that things like this are created by real people…very inspiring for what they can do.

Grand Prix Oakland M14 Sealed Practice times: (ok to get packs ahead of time and to come late w/game loss…just call and let us know)

  • Mon. 7/29 @ Noon (11 am deck building)
  • Weds. 7/31 @ 5:00 (Ok to mix with League decks if you don’t add new pack before event)
  • Thurs: 8/1 @ 5:30 (limed to 8)
  • Sat: 8/3 @ 6 pm
  • Sunday 8/4 @ 3 pm

The week that was and will be…


  • Tuesday @5:45: Modern Masters Modern Tournaments $5 entry.  100% into prize.  For first event…guaranteed extra Modern Masters Pack added to prize pool and second pack for random giveaway.
  • Weds:
    • League from 4 on…League tournament at 5:30 (don’t add extra pack so we can blend this with…)
    • 5:30, M14 Sealed Practice
  • Friday: FNM
  • Sat:
    • 5:30, Date Night Magic ($15 plus $5 for pizza)
    • 6:00 (Packs at 4): Practice M14 Sealed
  • Sunday
    • 11:30 Magic Standard ($5)
    • 3:00 (packs anytime) Practice M14 Sealed


  • Sat
    • 11-1 Pokemon League ($5–includes pack)
    • WRONG DATE–This will be on Aug 17th…11:00  Plasma Blast Release  (11 to get packs, 12 to play…~ 1 hour for non-competitive, 2 hours for competitive)
      • Sealed deck tournament.  6 packs provided.  Make your best deck and then play.  There will be a choice of two packs per player bonus for non-competitive, or 1 pack plus  an additional pack per round won for the adults or more competitive younger players. (best 2 out of 3)


  •   Sunday at 2 for our regular event.

D20 Weekly Update-7-24-13

Earned my Old Man Pic. 😉 -Ben

NOTE…the event system is $@%@ (causing me a bit of bother at the moment).  So I’m going to update here for now.

Adding to below…We are starting to do cheap ($20) 6 pack M14 Magic Sealed events to get in practice for Grand Prix Oakland.  We are slotting these in whenever we can.  They will be for practice, not for prize, so people can pick up packs before hand and join events in progress if they can’t make it when they start (they will get a game loss for the rounds we play, but will still get the points and practice for what they do play.)  People are big time encouraged to help each other out after the games to figure out how to get much better.  GO TEAM D20!!!

The week that was and will be…


  • So we had 26 for our Grand Prix qualifier on Sunday….since I was the organizer, I had to sit and watch instead of playing (grr)…but got in the action for a Modern Masters Draft after it was all done…  Since many of us are getting ready for the Grand Prix in Oakland Aug 23-25th, every event counts these days.  
  • We also had a bunch of fun with the Magic Two-headed Giant on Saturday.  IT DID sell out again, so make sure if you want to join us for the next one to sign up in advance.
  • Modern Masters league had their last event on Tuesday before the big transition to our new regular Tuesday Modern Tournaments
  • Coming up….
    • Magic League starts on weds.  We’re going to be doing big changes in the league, including having the Weds events as real tournaments (4pm for kids-or 5:30 for adults–kids can join if they want to).   For today, we will be doing it the same as a standard sealed.  For the future, players will be able to join late and just take game losses for that round, but get points for what they play(and win) for the league overall.  Each event will get a booster pack for the winner and mystery packs for 2nd and third.  (Sometimes there will be secret bonus prizes. )
    • NEW....$20 Sealed events until Aug 11th…Getting Ready for Oakland Grand Prix we will be doing special $20 M14 sealed events.  These will be for practice, so there will not be any prize support (cause they are cheap). We will charge $25 for the event, with a $5 credit toward the next one to make sure people aren’t just doing it for the packs.  We will also let people get packs at the end of one event to build overnight so they can do the next event right after work.  We will do one on Thursday, Friday at 4 if we get enough, and Sat at 11.  Many more times to come
      • Sat: Packs before…play at 1 or as soon as we have 8.
      • Sun.  Packs early, play at 3…We want to do a Clinic with the better players so we can all get better for this one
      • MONDAY–Day time (kid friendly as well)…Packs at 10, play at 11:30
    • FNM–M14…Sunday Standard and Modern Masters.


  • Sat at 3:30 (to 6) Plasma Blast Prerelease!!  Limited to 36 players-$30 gets 6 packs to make your best deck and play, and 2 packs when you turn in your energy at the end.  In addition, player will get a promo card and a deck box.  We will be able to take limited sign-ups in the morning and then will be able to take more around 12.  Players will need to be in the store with $ in hand at 3:15 and we will go down the list and enter those who are present.


  • We had the prerelease last weekend and will have the new extra deck packs for sale this week.  Sunday at 2 for our regular event.

D20 Games Weekly Update 7-16-13


—-Coming Thursday August 1st…IN STORE VISIT BY THE CREATORS OF CASTLE PANIC!!  😉 ———-

Special announcement about From the Vault at the bottom of is post…

This weekend–Pokemon and Vanguard Back to Normal, Release Events for M14 (including 2-headed Giant) and Oakland Grand Prix Qualifier on Sunday!

Had a great set of Prerelease events for Magic M14.  Some interesting highlights…

Most Busted cards in the set so far….Kalonian Hydra…Comes into play with 4 counters and doubles ALL counters on All your creatures when it attacks!  Oh, and did I mention the trample.  Remove it in the next 2 turns or that’s game….sheesh.  (Found out about this by being on the wrong side of the card…)

Winner–most Busted Card in M14

Magic M14 is Here!!!  This week—M14 release events….

  • Tuesday–Last Modern Masters League Pack week…Come in and find your partner for next week’s  League Two-headed Giant!!–Special Bonus Prize cards and goodies for the regular players tonight…We will Draft at 6 if we get 8 (again..) (and full participation credit for league members who show up and don’t wish to draft.)
  • Weds–Last Dragon’s Maze League before we start M14–come in for special tolkens and other prizes,  Also D&D Encounters ($5 fee) LOOKING for another good DM to help run a table…will be compensated in store credit, but must be good enough to represent the store…
  • Thursday at Midnight…We will open special to sell M14 Boxes and Fat Packs (.. Click here for a draft simulator.  Or here to see all the new cards…)
  • Sat. the 20th
    • we will be doing Pokemon again in the morning
    • Magic M14 Sealed at 12
    • Two-headed Giant at 5:30 (4pm for packs)
  • Sunday the 21st
    • Grand Prix Trial for Grand Prix Oakland!!!  Reg at 10 but start will be 11 am on time.  Since the packs need to be opened and registered by other players, there will be no ability to show up late for this one.  This will be a $35 sealed event using M14 (the same format that the Grand Prix will be)  This will be a competitive level event…so much more strict on the rules, though we still aim to keep the D20 Good spirit in place. 😉
    • Draft at 3 for those who want to redeem their pride (or luck)

From the Vault Twenty will be coming out on my Birthday, Aug 23rd, and as usual there will be very limited numbers.  We will start two sign up lists.  The first will be for 6 guaranteed copies at $150 each.  The second will be for a price TBD once we see what’s in the thing, but will be about 10% below what the going ebay sold rate is.  This will be a lottery, with the entries based on the two things I want to most reward, participation in store events and money spent in the store over ehe last few months.  (This year, I’m going to do estimates for both of these so I don’t spend 3 days looking through wizard’s event reporter).  ONE BIG CHANGE…

  • I will be adding extra bonus entries for the following:
    • One extra entry for every event participated in from now until the release on the 23rd
    • Bonus entry for People who attend more then 2 events a week
    • Double entries for people attending Leagues, including participating in M14 league
    • 3 Bonus Entries for people who bring in a player to an event who as not ever played with us before
    • And I reserve the right to give out extra entries (at my discretion) for players who help teach a new player how to play, or who in general are showing above and beyond kindness and support to new or intimidated/nervous players, or general good Duckishness…


D20 weekly update–7-8-13

M14-overviewIMPT….NO Pokemon or Vanguard this weekend, and No Magic Standard…Just a bunch of Magic Sealed events (Big Magic M14 Prerelease)

First really Great Chandra

For a great way to get to know the new set.. Click here for a draft simulator.  Or here to see all the new cards

Say Goodbye to Ravnica Block with the last FNM for it this Friday Night (the 12th)

Magic M14 Prerelease–As usual…we will be doing a Competitive and Casual group side by side for all of the times in question.  This is great for all players, adults and kids.  Remember…we’re limited to ~50 players for each time slot, so if you want to make sure to get a slot, reserve ahead of time.

Magic M14 Boxes are still on the Preorder price of $105, come and see us…first 3o will get the Promo Ratchet Bomb Card

Next weekend (the 20th and 21st)

  • Sat. the 20th 
    • we will be doing Pokemon again in the morning
    • Magic M14 Sealed at 12
    • Two-headed Giant at 5:30 (4pm for packs)
  • Sunday the 21st
    • Grand Prix Trial for Grand Prix Oakland!!!  Reg at 10 but start will be 11 am on time.  Since the packs need to be opened and registered by other players, there will be no ability to show up late for this one.  This will be a $35 sealed event using M14 (the same format that the Grand Prix will be)  This will be a competitive level event…so much more strict on the rules, though we still aim to keep the D20 Good spirit in place. 😉
    • Draft at 3 for those who want to redeem their pride (or luck)


D20 Update–Happy 4th–(Closed for the day..open on the 5th..)


IMPT:::Closed on the 4th…(gonna take a day off and hang with the kidlets)


HOWEVER…we will be open on Friday for FNM for the second to last Return to Ravnica Block event before we start with Magic M14

  • The week of the 4th we will be Pokemon and Vanguard as usual, but NEXT week (the 13th and 14th) we will be totally dedicated to the Magic M14 Pre-release with events on Sat at 10 and 4 and Sunday at 11 and 3.
  • This Saturday (the 6th) we will have Date Night Magic if we have enough kids in town to do it…please call or email to hold spots and we’ll let you know if it is a go…However…we are also doing a very special event that night that the kids are welcome to join (though it is more $$ then standard Date Night Magic…
  • Speaking of which…. on Sat. night…first 2-headed Giant with Modern Masters.

Modern Masters Packs are in very short supply and therefore very expensive.  We’ve been doing a discount for the events to reward people who are playing.  But even that can be too much for some budgets, so we’ve decided to do something unusual to create a more (relatively speaking) budget option.

Standard  :  $50 pp, with each player getting 4 Modern Masters Packs (Normally $15 each)

Budget :  $25 PP, for 2 Modern Masters Packs, and 2 Modern Masters Repacks. (these will not have any $$ cards in them, but will have great cards to use to build decks.)

  • Sunday…Standard at  11:30 and Modern Masters Draft ($40) at 3
  • Next weekend (13-14th) Pre-release for M14…the return of the Slivers!!  Prerelease’s are great fun…get 6 packs of the new stuff (and a bonus special promo card, and

What’s happening @ D20 6-11-13

  • Still looking for a few more good DM’sSat June 15th is Free RPG day at the store,  in addition to giving out a bunch of free RPG goodies, we will be Running D& to a 3-8 table joint adventure…but we need some good DM’s to help us out—So far we can run 3 tables but we’re looking for a few more.
  • Modern Masters has been SO FUN!!!  The drafts are expensive (Going to $38) but it has been a blast to draft, even for those of us who didn’t know the cards.
  • ANNOUNCEMENT-Introducing Modern Masters Peasant Cube!?!?! We were struggling with a way to let the kids and those of less means to get in on the fun and came up with a great idea.  We’re going to start doing a “Peasant” Cube with prizes.  This is a draft where you don’t keep the cards, but can win prize packs for $6! (win a round win a regular pack.)
  • Taking reservations for the first (and only) Revised Box Draft –Yep…we are doing the most over the top draft ever…a factory sealed box of Revised.  Cost is $150 per person to open packs that haven’t seen fresh air in 19 years. 😉  (NOTE–New date for this…June 29th!!!)
  • Tuesdays starting June 11th… Modern Masters League.  Register here…  ($100 for 6 starter packs plus 5 weekly packs…more then half sold out so far..)These packs will be cool but in very limited supply.  Packs look like they will be between $13-15 per and are FULL of amazing stuff for Magic Modern.
  • Wednesdays…we are doing D&D encounters from 6-9.  NEED A SECOND DM!!!We’ve pretty much got the first table either filled or close each week, so we’re looking for a couple more people to DM for us.  Check out my newly written Intro to D&D blog post for parents and other curious types.

This weekend we had a Massive number of Events at the store (I’m still exhausted)

In 3 days we ran something like 10 events, including two that went until 1:30 or later in the morning.

For the opening weekend of Modern Masters, we started the league (I pulled a Tarmogoyf–a $120, card that in it’s foil version is the most expensive card in a new set in our memory at $450!!)  I still proceeded to get beat into dust by Don’s flyer deck…ah well, live and learn).  On Friday, we ran 3 Friday Night Magic Drafts, two of which were the Modern Masters. The more I played, the more I realized how much the tribal stuff was great.

Saturday’s Pokemon Battle Roads was great, although I may have done a bit to good a job at warning off the little kids.  Next time around, if they want to try their deck out in a tournament, let’s bring a few more of them by.  Saturday night’s two-headed giant contained to be lovely fun, with some new players joining the building crew of regulars.  Once again, the Better Days were a force to be reckoned with that were just so darned gracious that they were hard to get mad at, even as they continued to rack up the wins.  One more Modern Masters draft that (this time) actually started at nine, and the evening was wrapped.  (Ok…9 is too late to start a draft…we get that now..).

Sunday’s standard was a bit light with many of the regulars having trouble crawling out of bed after the previous night’s fun.  But many were back for the last Modern Masters draft of the weekend.  The truth is that many of us were a bit mad at Wizards about Modern Masters.  Why would they short print a set and make it SOO much fun to play.  I also am very frustrated that it is really too expensive for the kids to play.  As a result, we decided to create a special redraftable set called a cube with just the common and uncommon (not money) cards that we can use to play for fun without the bucks.  We’ll do these as $6 drafts where you don’t get the cards to keep, and all the $ goes into the prizes (1 regular pack per win).

Older news—

No more Adult Yugioh @ D20  for the whole story  click here.
Thanks to everyone for the post break in support..we’re doing much better..   Click here  for the story.


Modern Masters @ D20 Alameda

Modern Master's League At D20 Games

Reprinted in Modern Masters

Modern Masters is coming out on June 7th, 2013.  This limited print set, brings back a number of the staples in the Modern Format, a style of magic play that uses cards as far back as 8th edition.  Generally, the larger pool of cards a format has to pull from, the more valuable the “best” cards are in that format, so getting into Modern unless you happened to be playing and have cards from that time can be an expensive affair.  The Modern Masters set was designed to let people get into the format without laying out the (too) big bucks.

The boxes come with 24 packs instead of the usual 36 and given the short print, the packs are likely to go for between $10-12 a pack, so, while this is a lower price then most of the packs that would have the cards in the set, its still not cheap. We’ve decided that since the supply is short, we’d rather make sure that everyone gets a chance to play with them rather than just selling off the boxes.  So we’re going to do a League and a number of drafts.

League will be a 6 Pack sealed format starting on Tuesday, June 10th, and while the final price is TBD, we will let people preregister for $60 for the league start, or $100 for the full 5 weeks (getting one pack for free)

Drafts will be $35, with 3 rounds, a regular pack for 1 win, a Modern Master’s pack for 2 wins, and 2 Modern Master’s packs for going 3-0.

Pokemon Elite Box Tournament

Pokemon Elite Trainer box Tournament

Return of the Pokemon Elite Tournament….New date…4-20-13

Event: Sealed deck Pokemon Tournament

When: 4-20-13 at 11am

Cost: $40-includes Plasma Storm Elite Trainer Box

What:  Sealed Deck (Use the 7 packs included in the Elite Trainer box to build your best Pokemon Deck (40 card minimum)   One hour to build decks,  3 rounds of play and prizes for winning rounds.

Great for beginners and advanced players alike.  Limited to 34 players.

[iframe src=”http://www.eventbrite.com/tickets-external?eid=6160571435&ref=etckt&v=2″ frameborder=”0″ height=”214″ width=”100%” vspace=”0″ hspace=”0″ marginheight=”5″ marginwidth=”5″ scrolling=”auto” allowtransparency=”true”>

Two-Headed Giant Intro Deck Battle!

Theme Deck Two Headed Giant


We’ve never done this before!  🙂  In the great D20 tradition of weird/cool events, we are doing a special two-headed Giant where instead of the 60 cards each player from 4 packs, we’ll have 30 cards from two packs PLUS the 60 cards from one of the either Gatecrash or Return to Ravnica Intro decks.  Each player gets one of the intro decks with their two packs by pulling from a box at random and the two players make their best 40 card decks each from the combo.

This should be huge fun, and as always, limited by space, so sign up early.

When: Saturday April 2oth.  Get packs starting at 4, start play at 5:3o.

What: Two-headed giant team event.  Three rounds (one game each), win a round, win two packs for the team.

[iframe src=”http://www.eventbrite.com/tickets-external?eid=6160128109&ref=etckt&v=2″ frameborder=”0″ height=”214″ width=”100%” vspace=”0″ hspace=”0″ marginheight=”5″ marginwidth=”5″ scrolling=”auto” allowtransparency=”true”>

Special Magic Revised Box Draft at D20 Games Alameda

Ok…clearly we are out of our minds.  ;-).


UPDATE:  Date has been changed to June 29th (Sat).  We will close the store for the evening…only open to the players. (each player can invite a limted number of guests.)  

BONUS… Beta card draft based on who signs up first—-Beta Lands and Beta cards—We will put in 16 beta lands, and 12 beta commons into a drafting pool that will get table drafted based on the order that people sign up.beta lands

So when you find that incredibly rare bottle of wine…you want to get some people together who will appreciate as much and make a night of it…that is exactly what we are going to do with this.We’ve managed to get our hands on a factory sealed box of Revised, and in the grand tradition of D20 Games, and we’re drafting that sucker in what will be a unique trip back in time.

NOTE: For those of us who were around in the day, the fact that the packs were easy to peek, by sneaking up the back cards and holding the pack up to the light.  So old packs are almost never a good bet (even the most honest person holding  onto a pack for 20 years would have a hell of a time resisting taking a peek.)   So when we got a chance to get our hands on a factory sealed box, after taking a deep breath, we decided to go for it.  We are vouching for the box…if it ends up being a repacked job, everybody gets their money back, I get the cards and go off hunting the person who sold it to us.

It’s important that people who sign up for this are doing so for the fun of opening up the old packs, feeling those mint cards and the trip back in time. Don’t do it as an investment, or as a gamble counting on getting the high value cards to pay back the cost.  Do it for the joy of it and if you can afford it.

We’re going to draft the box and play with old school rules. That means mana burn, the old pre-stack damage rules,and just for pure fun, we’re bringing back Ante (though the Dual Lands will be excepted).

When: 6 pm, June 29th, 2013   We’re going to close the store for this one…

Cost: $150 per person.  Prize will be regular packs and some special promos.

LIMIT:  12 people..(Ok…11 since Ben, the store owner is clearly in on this one.)

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