Friday Night Magic

Happy Thanksgiving!!! Fun, Turkey and Black Friday Sales (as well as Small Business Saturday)

Turkey O DoomHappy Thanksgiving Everybody!!!  Make sure to do some random act of kindness!! 😉  As always, thanks so much for the business, and more importantly, the intensely cool community.  I can’t tell you guys how thankful I am for that.
If you aren’t on the road already, swing on by and pick up a good game for either keeping kids happy in the car or good family fun that doesn’t go beep, beep. 😉  We have a bunch of stuff we can recommend (although, the beloved Cover Your Assets is ALWAYs a great family pick….just trust us on this one.)  We will be closed on Thursday because, well, we should be…we’ll be hanging and playing with our family and hope you will be as well.
We WILL be doing a Black Friday Sale (starting at 10) and Small Business Saturday Sale….very good stuff, good prizes and the return of our bonus stocking stuffer (or menorah sitter) freebies.
  • Monday:  Special how to Play Magic class at the Lib @ 1.
  • Tuesday Night–Modern Masters Draft!!! $40—no,wait…make it $33 this one time!!! (Regular packs as prizes)
  • Weds, Double prize League tournament starting at 4:30–Maybe Daytime Draft??!!
  • Thursday…closed for T-day
  • Friday—BIG Black Friday sale
  • Saturday–Small Business Sat sales and Two headed Mystery box tournament
  • Sunday 10AM Start for a $10 Magic Standard with some free Star City Goodies in the mix…!
We had a second record breaking FNM in a month on Friday before last Friday…went from 42 up to 44!!  It was VERY good we had the secret clubhouse next door to be able to use for more play space so we aren’t quiet so squished when we get full.

The Good, The Bad, and the Peter (Mohrbacher)….

The Magic cards of Peter Morbacher
The Magic cards of Peter Morbacher

Two bits of news regarding store Friend, Peter Mohrbacher.  For those of you who don’t know, Peter is one of the better Magic artists who happens to live in Alameda.  He has done a ton of cool cards, including Erebos, God of the Dead, the much maligned (only for abilities, not for lack of great art) and the ever amusing Grimgrin.  Some folks have been lucky enough to get one of the custom matts that he has done and brought by the store, and he is always happy to chat and sign cards whenever he comes in.  He moved into Alameda a couple of years ago, with a brand new baby in tow, and to no one’s surprise, only popped in a few times for the next number of months.  But since then he’s come in a bunch of times, sometimes bringing his increasingly beautiful daughter in tow.

The sad news is that he is leaving town in the beginning of Dec. to move back to his home town of Chicago to bring his daughter to be near her grandparents.  Partially this is enabled by the fact that he has left his current full time (non-magic) gig to pursue projects based on his art full time.  As sad as we are to see him go, we love his work (and like him) so we’re very excited for him.  As part of that, he has started a Kickstarter project for a special collection of his work, both playmats and full art prints, including some amazing canvas style limited framed pieces.  In two days he’s at about 40% of what he is looking for, so this is very very cool.  He will also leave us with a small gallery worth of stuff for us to sell in the store.

To celebrate having him around, we will be doing a going away party for him on Thursday, Nov. 21st, starting at ~5. He will be here to sign stuff, and we will be doing Pack Wars/Mini Masters using sets that have his work in them (Innistrad block on). Pack wars will just be for fun, and the Mini-masters will be 6 for the current block and 8 for the Innistrad block. But most important is that we have fun and get a chance to give Peter a proper send-off.

42—Life, the universe and everything….And Halloween @ D20 Games

42 players for FNM at D20 games…our new record

42 isn’t just the ultimate answer…it’s also the new record for the number of players for Friday Night Magic at D20 Games!! And last weekend, we sold out yet another two-headed Giant.



This saturday night , we will have our tribute to halloween…our Two-headless Giant.  We’re bringing back the best all time halloween block—Innistrad.  This set has gone way up in price as it went out of print, so the price per player will be $33 rather then the usual $17.50, however, to give a chance for a little discount, anyone who comes dressed as any character from Innistrad, Dark Ascension, or Avacyn Restored gets an extra $3 off per person.

D20 update 8-20-13 Closed 24-25th for Grand Prix Oakland.

IMPT…D20 will be closed on Sat Aug. 24th and Sunday the 25th For Grand Prix Oakland. No Pokemon or Vanguard this weekend…back next week.

Friday the 23rd is Ben’s 50th Birthday, and to celebrate he’s going to join the rest of the team to go to the Magic Grand Prix at the Oakland Convention Center this weekend.

A few last minute changes for the events this week:  GP practice moved from Weds to Thursday.

Our New Team D20 Shirts

  • Weds:-NOTE–Closed at 6 except for D&D Encounters Players
    • League from 4:30 to 7 (open short hours this week.)
    • D&D from 6-9-(No D&D on the first week of school….)
  • Thursday–Pick up Team D20 Tee Shirts….Last Practice m14. Sealed  ($20–play at 5:30 pm)
  • Friday: FNM


Sunday: CLOSED


Next weekend–Saturday Night Two Headed Giant.


D20 Update–Happy 4th–(Closed for the on the 5th..)


IMPT:::Closed on the 4th…(gonna take a day off and hang with the kidlets)


HOWEVER…we will be open on Friday for FNM for the second to last Return to Ravnica Block event before we start with Magic M14

  • The week of the 4th we will be Pokemon and Vanguard as usual, but NEXT week (the 13th and 14th) we will be totally dedicated to the Magic M14 Pre-release with events on Sat at 10 and 4 and Sunday at 11 and 3.
  • This Saturday (the 6th) we will have Date Night Magic if we have enough kids in town to do it…please call or email to hold spots and we’ll let you know if it is a go…However…we are also doing a very special event that night that the kids are welcome to join (though it is more $$ then standard Date Night Magic…
  • Speaking of which…. on Sat. night…first 2-headed Giant with Modern Masters.

Modern Masters Packs are in very short supply and therefore very expensive.  We’ve been doing a discount for the events to reward people who are playing.  But even that can be too much for some budgets, so we’ve decided to do something unusual to create a more (relatively speaking) budget option.

Standard  :  $50 pp, with each player getting 4 Modern Masters Packs (Normally $15 each)

Budget :  $25 PP, for 2 Modern Masters Packs, and 2 Modern Masters Repacks. (these will not have any $$ cards in them, but will have great cards to use to build decks.)

  • Sunday…Standard at  11:30 and Modern Masters Draft ($40) at 3
  • Next weekend (13-14th) Pre-release for M14…the return of the Slivers!!  Prerelease’s are great fun…get 6 packs of the new stuff (and a bonus special promo card, and

D20 Weekly Update-6-24-13

New Fav Game at D20

This is the big week!!! Saturday the 29th we will close the store at 5:30 for the Mighty Draft!!!  Limited to 12 players, and priced at $150, this is our ultimate “find an old box and draft it” event by drafting a factory sealed box of Revised (~$1800 a box).  This is box with packs that haven’t seen fresh air in 19 years, and we are going to make an evening of it, with old-school rules and good cheer and fun competition.  If the event does not fill up, we will take a list before-hand of people that want packs at $50 each.

Revised Edition Booster Box

Congratulations to Marcus for “Clocking” everyone else and winning the ultimate Guild wars Competition Saturday night.  We had over 20 players (more than we expected) but got the message loud and clear that people REALLY wanted more two-headed Giants.  The pitch has become reality (or the other way around) and we have couple, buddies and a bunch of parent/kid combos who all have a blast at these events.  I give..we’ll do more of these.  As a direct result, I’m going to add an extra one in two weeks, side by side with the kid magic.  This will be for a limited number of teams and will be the first (and possibly only) Modern Masters Two headed Giant.  To keep the price down a little bit, we’ll be offering two options, either $50 per player for 4 regular packs, or $25 with two regular modern masters packs, & 2 repacks.)

Also–The week right after 4th of July, we will be doing the Prerelease for Magic M14.  We will have events on the 13th and 14th.  Entry is 25 and will include 6 packs of Slivery fun…

D20 Games Weekly Magic Update


Lots of good stuff coming up!!!

  • Date Night Magic is on for 4-6 for kids 9-12
  • Preregistration is open for the Dragon’s Maze Prerelease on Sat. April 27th at 10 and 4,  and Sunday at 10 am.
  • Taking pre-orders for Dragon’s Maze Boxes…$105 per box for the next week (or $110 with Double buy a box promos…one from this set, one random from the last 3)
  • Next Saturday (4-13) for special Magic Sealed event…Guild Wars!  Team Sealed Battle between Gruul, Simic, and Boros!
  • A special Two-headed Giant at 4–Intro Pack Battles...each player gets to pick a random intro pack from Gatecrash or Ravnica and used the decks plus the two packs for their contribution to the team.

D20 Games Events this week… (4/05/2013)

  • 5:30…Magic Time Walk Duels!!  $5 entry ($4 into a pack for the prize pool)  We got this wonderful collection of Intro Decks from 1996-2008 in perfect condition.  Pick your weapon from the History of Magic and see how it does…pick a favorite from the past or something you’ve never tried before.  We’re going to do this from now on, so come and have some historical fun.


  •  Magic League Play-4-5:30 for kids, anytime for adults
  • Friday Night Magic: 6:45. $15 (Special deal..sleeves $2 for drafters) All drafts will be Gatecrash!!  Going great..we broke a new record with 36 players!!!


  • Date Night Magic 5 for pizza, 5:30 for draft.  $15 for the event plus $5 for pizza and drink for kids 9-12


  • Gatecrash League Week!! !! $25 to start (includes 6 packs) and $5 a week…goes until the end of the set.. Kids from 3:30-5:30, Adults from 5-7–  League is played on a drop in, so come in Weds, Friday or Saturday Nights  IT IS FINE to come in and start now..this goes for the length of the set so there is lots of time to play.  Also, Pre-release sets are fine to start with, and to answer the other question, you can get a different set if your first pulls didn’t rock…just needs to be a full set of six.
  • Bring your Standard decks to test out while you’re waiting.

What’s Happening at D20 Games in Alameda


Modern Master’s Figure of Destiny
  • Looking for some good DM’s—Sat June 15th is Free RPG day at the store, in addition to giving out a bunch of free RPG goodies, we will be running what could be up to a 3-8 table joint adventure…but we need some good DM’s to help us out.
  • Ok…still battling with the website….so far it’s taken the first game…but the match isn’t open yet.–The Event list is battling
  • IMPT>>>Sunday Standard is moving to 11:30 start from 12:30 start so we can start regular 3 pm drafts (Modern Masters Next week)
  • Saturday Morning…Registering at 10am— Pokemon Battle Roads tournament...(Lots of people..not the best for the smaller kids that can get overwhelmed)
  • Also on Saturday June 8th…Two Headed Giant (starting a bit later because of the Battle Roads.)  Packs at 4 or so…but no space to build until about 5–start playing at 6
  • Modern Masters ships this week
    • Limited number of Drafts during the opening weekend ($35 for the first weekend, $40 after that weekend)
    • Friday, June 7th, 6pm and 9pm
    • Saturday June 8th, 9pm
    • Sunday June 9th, 3 pm
  • Taking reservations for the first (and only) Revised Box Draft –Yep…we are doing the most over the top draft ever…a factory sealed box of Revised.  Cost is $150 per person to open packs that haven’t seen fresh air in 19 years. 😉  (NOTE–New date for this…June 29th!!!)
  • Tuesdays starting June 11th… Modern Masters League.  Register here…  ($100 for 6 starter packs plus 5 weekly packs…more then half sold out so far..)These packs will be cool but in very limited supply.  Packs look like they will be between $13-15 per and are FULL of amazing stuff for Magic Modern.
  • Wednesdays…we are doing D&D encounters from 6-9.  We’ve pretty much got the first table either filled or close each week, so we’re looking for a couple more people to DM for us.  Check out my newly written Intro to D&D blog post for parents and other curious types

Older news—

No more Adult Yugioh @ D20  for the whole story  click here.
Thanks to everyone for the post break in support..we’re doing much better..   Click here  for the story.

D20 Games Events this week… (6/04/2013)


  • Vanguard, Pokemon, Kaijudo and Magic open play.


  • New Dragon’s Maze League (short league before summer League) 6 packs to start or one of the prerlease 6 pack sets.


  • 5:30…Magic Time Walk Duels!!  $5 entry ($4 into a pack for the prize pool)  We got this wonderful collection of Intro Decks from 1996-2008 in perfect condition.  Pick your weapon from the History of Magic and see how it does…pick a favorite from the past or something you’ve never tried before.  We’re going to do this from now on, so come and have some historical fun.
  • Board Game Test Night. Check out new board games from 5-7 (or later)–Play a game and write a review…get a punchcard punch good for special deals!!!
  • OPEN AT MIDNIGHT FOR Modern Masters sales.  League players can get their first packs and we will sell limited numbers of packs per day.


  •  Magic League Play-4-5:30 for kids, anytime for adults
  • 6PM  Modern Masters Draft (Limited to 8–$35)
  • Friday Night Magic: Dragon’s Maze Draft 6:45. $15 (Special deal..sleeves $2 for drafters) Drafting Dragon’s Maze-Gatecrash-Ravnica
  • 9 pm Modern Masters Draft (Limited to 8-$35)


  • Registering at 10- Pokemon Battle Roads tournament...(Lots of people..not the best for the smaller kids that can get overwhelmed)
  • 11-1:00 Pokemon League…$5 and great fun for all ages. Free play with other folks who love Pokemon with rewards for how many times you play. ADDING Competitive tournament each week.  $5 entry (4 into prize pool for packs). Single Elimination.
  • Two Headed Giant (starting a bit later because of the Battle Roads.)  Packs at 4 or so…but no space to build until about 5–start playing at 6
  • Date Night Magic 5 for pizza, 5:30 for draft.  $15 for the event plus $5 for pizza and drink for kids 9-12–kids will have the option of playing in the launch event instead if they would like.
  • 9PM  Modern Masters Draft




Kids Summer Magic League

Kids Summer Magic League at D20 GamesWelcome to the Summer Magic League at D20 Games

What is it:  The league is an ongoing opportunity for casual ongoing Magic play starting the first week of summer vacation (June 16th) and going until the end of summer.

When: Formal League days are Weds and 3-5 on Fridays, but matches may be played any time during the week.  Match results for each week must be received by the following Weds.

Cost: League costs $25 to enter (includes 6 packs) and $5 each week, including a pack for that week. We will start with a mix of Innistrad, Dark Ascension and Avacyn and then add M13 core set when it comes out in the middle of July.

    • For kids…this is a way fun way to play every week with other kids, either in the store or wherever you find other league players.  You get 6 packs to start with to build the best deck you can.  Each week, you get to add another pack and make your deck better  (or make a completely different deck.).   We’ve been doing this with the adults and it is totally fun.
    • For parentsthis is a great way for the kids to play on an ongoing basis, for them to use the cards, not just open lots of packs that end up in a box (or on the floor).  They get the fun of opening a pack each week, (actually more fun since all those cards can be used to help them make their decks better. )  The prizes are small intentionally so the play is more fun then the winning, and we give random rewards for those we see helping other players and in general being great sports.

Format: Sealed+ event

  • Start with 6 packs to build decks from, and get to add one pack per week
  • Packs must be opened in the store and the contents added to a deck list that is kept in the store.


  • Each player can play up to 5 matches with other different members of the league each week.  (Matches beyond 5 will not count in that week)
  • Each player in a match will get 1 point just for playing, and the winner will get 2 bonus points in addition for a total of 3.
  • It is good sportsmanship to accept a match challenge from anyone in the league provided both players have enough time.
  • Matches may be continued over more then one day if there is not enough time to complete all the games at once, though an incomplete game is considered a draw game (it can be played over if both players choose.)
  • As long as one game is completed, both players will get the minimum 1 point.

Standings and Prizes:

  • Since we are not charging much more then the cost of the packs, prizes will be more in the fun and pride side then high value.
  • Each player who has competed at least 3 matches in a week will be entered in a drawing on Weds for a bonus pack.
  • At the end of the time the point totals will be added up and there will be a playoff with the top 8 players.

As with most of our events, the goal is to play and have fun.  Everyone has a better time when we help each other out, pointing out missed triggers and plays so that we win by being the better players rather then by catching an opponent doing a dumb mistake or by not knowing how some part of the game works.


Magic League FAQ

  • Do I have to play in the store and on League days? No, league games can be played anytime during the week and anywhere you find another player.
  • Why is this more fun than just playing with the decks I have already?  The League is one of the best ways to really learn how to play and how to REALLY build your own decks and combos, not just buying premade decks or building a deck that someone else came up with on the internet.  You make the best deck(s) you can with whatever the packs bring you, and by the end, that will be a lot.  Whatever surprising and cool combos you come up with will be because of the thinking you do and the help you get from other league members.
  • How many packs do we get and what packs can we choose from? To start, each player gets 6 packs and then at the beginning of each new week, they can add one more into their card pool.
  • How big does my deck need to be and do I only get to make one deck? Because this is a sealed type event, minimum deck size is 40 cards, not 60, so you want to shoot for ~your 23 best cards and about 17 lands.  As you get more cards added, it is very common to be able to build 2 or 3 possible decks.  Your sideboard in this type of event is all of your cards from the league, so you can not only switch cards, you can switch whole decks in-between each play.
  • Can I use my own cards?   No, each player starts with 6 packs that they record on the card sheet that gets left with the league administrator.  The only cards you add will be the new packs for each new week, and whatever lands you need.
  • Why can’t I use my own cards? Part of the idea of the league is to make sure everyone starts out with equal chances. It turns out to actually a lot more fun that way. Over time, as more and more packs get added, the randomness of the luck will get evened out and it will be all about what you can do with what you have.
  • Why do we mark the cards on the league sheet? To keep it fair and make sure people don’t get tempted to sneak in cards that they got from other sources.  That would be a crumby thing to do and would spoil a lot of the fun (and challenge of the league.)
  • How many times do I play each week? You can play up to 6 matches that are official each week and nothing stops you from playing more for fun.  League result slips signed by both players, with names and date clearly printed must be turned in each week to the tournament organizer.
  • Do I have to join at the very beginning? And what if I’m not going to be around a bunch of the time?  The league goes the whole summer and you can join in at any time.  Since it is primarily for fun, it’s fine if you are gone away for a week or two (or more).  When you get back, you can get your missing packs and come on back in and play.

D20 Games Magic Events: Dark Ascension for sale on the 3rd, Release Party on Sat. the 4th.

The New Sorin from Dark Ascension!!
              • Thursday 8pm Draft leading up to Midnight Dark Ascension Release Box opening. Open from Midnight to 1 a.m. Draft is $15 or free with the purchase of a DA box.
                Box Price: $110 w/$10 event credit or free Thursday draft
              • Friday
                • Dark Ascension available for sale!!!
                  • Packs-$4 6 get one free
                  • Box/play-mat combo bundle-$165–$125
                  • Fat Packs!! $40 each…get ’em before they’re gone (Free Deck box, Sleeves or extra pack or $5 credit.
                • Friday Night Magic
                  • 6:15-6:30…$15.    Triple DA!!
                  • 8 p.m.  Double speed drafts till we drop. 😉  (double speed deck building, double speed rounds…don’t just get cards, play with ’em)
              • Sat 2/4 Dark Ascension Release Party : 3:30-5-deck building, 5:30-10 4 rounds. Entry fee is $25 and is a sealed deck, which means you get 6 packs and get to make the best deck you can.  BONUS-Register this deck for the Monday and Weds League play events for free.  Registration will require separate $25 purchase.
              • The Release party will replace Date Night Magic one more time and then back to regular schedule.  Kids will play in their own pod in the release party (more fun for them, more fun for the adult players)


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