Kid Friendly events

About the Roleplay Workshop…

UPDATE…the test we did for this went great…so well we are looking to do it as an after school thing, starting with Tuesdays and expanding from there.  Contact us if you are interested, since the number of kids will be limited to 6 per group.

Roleplay Workshop has been running an extremely cool  D&D style after-school program for over 10 years in Oakland at Dr. Comics and Mr. Games.  We’ve been talking to them about running a program in Alameda as well and have convinced them to run a couple of sneak peeks for us to give the folks in Alameda a chance to see what the program is like.   The program was created by Becky Thomas, an ex-teacher with a background in Zoology (as well active in martial arts) and builds on the fun of D&D by weaving in learning elements, both logical and social into the play.

When:  Tuesdays from 3:30 to 6 (come straight after school) Starting as soon as it fills or Jan 22nd at the latest

How much: $15/hour-(37.50 per day).  Note: Discounts for hours purchased in blocks ($14/hour for 25 or more hours, and $12 for 50 or more hours).  She runs other events in Piedmont and as we move forward, will add more regular days. So if you do it on a regular basis, it ends up at $24 per 2 1/2 hour session.

What ages/who is it for: 10-13 year-olds who like role playing games.  The game will be fun and engaging, but if they don’t like the idea of creating and playing characters, they probably shouldn’t do this.

EXTREMELY LIMITED ENROLLMENT:  Each table will be fore a Maximum 6 kids total

Is this run by D20?:  This will be a Roleplay Workshop run event, using our space.,  (We are doing the same thing Dr. Comics does and providing the safe space for them to work, though Ben will be on hand to observe and learn for most of the day. ) We have done enough checking to feel comfortable with having them here, and we approached them to do so.  If this works out, we hope to do this on a regular basis after the holidays, including doing a few days after school.  Having said that, here are comments and information about Rebecca and the program from established and reputable web sources.

About Rebecca and Roleplay Workshop.

From Berkeley Parents Network:

My 13 year old son has been going to Abantey for 2 or so years. He goes during spring and winter break from school and as many weeks as he can during the summer (when he’s not at sleepaway camp and we’re not on vacation). He LOVES it. It is role play games…it is also learning math, learning about human character, how to become a better person….what do you have to do to evolve to another level…I actually don’t really understand it fully…I think you have to do it to understand it. My son spends time working in his Abantey workbook at home, he has discussions with his other Abantey friends about the different beings and characters they’ve come up with….I believe it helps him do real life problem solving. Becky Thomas, the creator of Abantey is wonderful.

From their Yelp Listing.

“Since 1989, we have offered the unique Abantey roleplay programs for youth, promoting student self esteem, problem solving skills, creativity and social skills. The program uses an interactive storytelling game to teach real life skills in a creative, imaginary setting. Participants work together to solve dilemmas using logic and common sense, learning math, sciences and ethics along the way. The program is ultimately about teaching young adults personal responsibility. Workshops are led by an adult game master providing a supportive mentoring environment, experienced with a variety of learning styles, including special needs.


Established in 1989

While teaching at Archway School in Oakland, I designed the Abantey game. Students and parents asked me to run a summer camp in 1989. It was a success and I expanded to after school and school holiday programs. In 1993, I quit teaching and founded the Roleplay Workshop.

Role playing fosters abstract thinking and teaches math and statistics. It encourages cooperative problem solving, as players work together to solve mysteries with logic, common sense, and intuition. They learn sciences, philosophy and ethics in a supportive and fun environment. Ultimately, we help youth learn to take personal responsibility for chosen actions.

Meet the Business Owner: Rebecca T.

I received a Bachelors of Sciences in Zoology in 1982 at the University of Michigan. I spent the next year in the Philippines. My experiences there provided much of the complexity found in the world of Abantey. After I returned, I began graduate work at SFSU. In 1988 I was credentialed in General Science, Life Science, Physics and Psychology.

After teaching for 3 years at Archway School in Oakland, I began The Roleplay Workshop. I still work with Archway School, running special Abantey programming for them, as well as teaching the occasional class.

Outside of running the business and working with kids, I train in martial arts, love to read science fiction and am a great fan of action and science fiction movies!

Return to Ravnica League

Welcome to the Return To Ravnica League at D20 Games.

Current Adult Standings     Current Kid Standings

What is it:  The league is ongoing casual ongoing Magic play designed for fun and to have time to get much better at playing.  Games can be played in the store or whenever two league players want. This one is great for both advanced players and those who are trying to get back into or get to know the game.  With lots of time to build decks, as well as a bunch of other players who will help each other get better, this has ended up being a lot of good natured fun.  Because of the format, everyone pretty much has an even chance from the beginning  and to be honest, opening our league packs is the most fun pack each week.  For the cost, it is the most joy per $ of anything in the store.  Since players find each other during the league times, it is no problem to drop in and out, so it works well for those who need the game to fit their schedule, not the other way around.

When: Formal League days are Weds, but matches may be played any time during the week.  Match results for each week must be received by the following Weds.  Kids league is from opening until 5:30, adults go from 4:30 or so, until we close.Return To Ravnica League starts on Oct 5th and goes until the release of the next set in the block in the beginning of January

Cost: League costs $25 to enter (includes 6 packs) and $5 each week, including a pack for that week. (People buying fat-packs or boxes may opt to use 6 packs as long as permission is granted from staff.)

Format: Ongoing Sealed

  • Start with 6 packs to build decks from, and get to add one pack per week
  • Packs must be opened in the store and the contents added to a deck list that is kept in the store.


  • Each player can play up to 5 matches with other different members of the league each week.  (Matches beyond 5 will not count in that week)
  • Each player in a match will get 1 point just for playing, and the winner will get 2 bonus points in addition for a total of 3.
  • It is good sportsmanship to accept a match challenge from anyone in the league provided both players have enough time.
  • Matches may be continued over more then one day if there is not enough time to complete all the games at once, though an incomplete game is considered a draw game (it can be played over if both players choose.)
  • As long as one game is completed, both players will get the minimum 1 point.
  • Slips MUST be turned in with both players names clearly printed and the date written.

Standings and Prizes:

  • Since we are not charging much more then the cost of the packs, prizes will be more in the fun and pride side then high value.
  • Standings will be posted each week on the website as soon as I can figure out how. 😉
  • At the end of the time the point totals will be added up and there will be a playoff with the top 8 players with prizes for those players.  And more importantly, they will get the chance to win one of our major titles.  (Look for announcements for special events for these major players.)

As with most of our events, the goal is to play and have fun.  Everyone has a better time when we help each other out, pointing out missed triggers and plays so that we win by being the better players rather then by catching an opponent doing a dumb mistake or by not knowing how some part of the game works.

League FAQ

Do I have to play in the store on League days? No, league games can be played anytime during the week and anywhere you find another player.

Why is this more fun than just playing with the decks I have already?  The League is one of the best ways to really learn how to play and how to REALLY build your own decks and combos, not just buying premade decks or building a deck that someone else came up with on the internet.  You make the best deck(s) you can with whatever the packs bring you, and by the end, that will be a lot.  Whatever surprising and cool combos you come up with will be because of the thinking you do and the help you get from other league members.

How many packs do we get and what packs can we choose from? To start, each player gets 6 packs and then at the beginning of each new week, they can add one more into their card pool.

How big does my deck need to be and do I only get to make one deck? Because this is a sealed type event, minimum deck size is 40 cards, not 60, so you want to shoot for ~your 23 best cards and about 17 lands.  As you get more cards added, it is very common to be able to build 2 or 3 possible decks.  Your sideboard in this type of event is all of your cards from the league, so you can not only switch cards, you can switch whole decks in-between each play.

Can I use my own cards?   No, each player starts with 6 packs that they record on the card sheet that gets left with the league administrator.  The only cards you add will be the new packs for each new week, and whatever lands you need.

Why can’t I use my own cards? Part of the idea of the league is to make sure everyone starts out with equal chances. It turns out to actually a lot more fun that way. Over time, as more and more packs get added, the randomness of the luck will get evened out and it will be all about what you can do with what you have.

Why do we mark the cards on the league sheet? To keep it fair and make sure people don’t get tempted to sneak in cards that they got from other sources.  That would be a crumby thing to do and would spoil a lot of the fun (and challenge of the league.)

How many times do I play each week? You can play up to 6 matches that are official each week and nothing stops you from playing more for fun.  League result slips signed by both players, with names and date clearly printed must be turned in each week to the tournament organizer.

Do I have to join at the very beginning? And what if I’m not going to be around a bunch of the time?  The league goes the whole summer and you can join in at any time.  Since it is primarily for fun, it’s fine if you are gone away for a week or two (or more).  When you get back, you can get your missing packs and come on back in and play.


D20 Games Weekly Magic Update


Lots of good stuff coming up!!!

  • Date Night Magic is on for 4-6 for kids 9-12
  • Preregistration is open for the Dragon’s Maze Prerelease on Sat. April 27th at 10 and 4,  and Sunday at 10 am.
  • Taking pre-orders for Dragon’s Maze Boxes…$105 per box for the next week (or $110 with Double buy a box promos…one from this set, one random from the last 3)
  • Next Saturday (4-13) for special Magic Sealed event…Guild Wars!  Team Sealed Battle between Gruul, Simic, and Boros!
  • A special Two-headed Giant at 4–Intro Pack Battles...each player gets to pick a random intro pack from Gatecrash or Ravnica and used the decks plus the two packs for their contribution to the team.

D20 Games Events this week… (4/05/2013)

  • 5:30…Magic Time Walk Duels!!  $5 entry ($4 into a pack for the prize pool)  We got this wonderful collection of Intro Decks from 1996-2008 in perfect condition.  Pick your weapon from the History of Magic and see how it does…pick a favorite from the past or something you’ve never tried before.  We’re going to do this from now on, so come and have some historical fun.


  •  Magic League Play-4-5:30 for kids, anytime for adults
  • Friday Night Magic: 6:45. $15 (Special deal..sleeves $2 for drafters) All drafts will be Gatecrash!!  Going great..we broke a new record with 36 players!!!


  • Date Night Magic 5 for pizza, 5:30 for draft.  $15 for the event plus $5 for pizza and drink for kids 9-12


  • Gatecrash League Week!! !! $25 to start (includes 6 packs) and $5 a week…goes until the end of the set.. Kids from 3:30-5:30, Adults from 5-7–  League is played on a drop in, so come in Weds, Friday or Saturday Nights  IT IS FINE to come in and start now..this goes for the length of the set so there is lots of time to play.  Also, Pre-release sets are fine to start with, and to answer the other question, you can get a different set if your first pulls didn’t rock…just needs to be a full set of six.
  • Bring your Standard decks to test out while you’re waiting.

What’s Happening at D20 Games in Alameda


Modern Master’s Figure of Destiny
  • Looking for some good DM’s—Sat June 15th is Free RPG day at the store, in addition to giving out a bunch of free RPG goodies, we will be running what could be up to a 3-8 table joint adventure…but we need some good DM’s to help us out.
  • Ok…still battling with the website….so far it’s taken the first game…but the match isn’t open yet.–The Event list is battling
  • IMPT>>>Sunday Standard is moving to 11:30 start from 12:30 start so we can start regular 3 pm drafts (Modern Masters Next week)
  • Saturday Morning…Registering at 10am— Pokemon Battle Roads tournament...(Lots of people..not the best for the smaller kids that can get overwhelmed)
  • Also on Saturday June 8th…Two Headed Giant (starting a bit later because of the Battle Roads.)  Packs at 4 or so…but no space to build until about 5–start playing at 6
  • Modern Masters ships this week
    • Limited number of Drafts during the opening weekend ($35 for the first weekend, $40 after that weekend)
    • Friday, June 7th, 6pm and 9pm
    • Saturday June 8th, 9pm
    • Sunday June 9th, 3 pm
  • Taking reservations for the first (and only) Revised Box Draft –Yep…we are doing the most over the top draft ever…a factory sealed box of Revised.  Cost is $150 per person to open packs that haven’t seen fresh air in 19 years. 😉  (NOTE–New date for this…June 29th!!!)
  • Tuesdays starting June 11th… Modern Masters League.  Register here…  ($100 for 6 starter packs plus 5 weekly packs…more then half sold out so far..)These packs will be cool but in very limited supply.  Packs look like they will be between $13-15 per and are FULL of amazing stuff for Magic Modern.
  • Wednesdays…we are doing D&D encounters from 6-9.  We’ve pretty much got the first table either filled or close each week, so we’re looking for a couple more people to DM for us.  Check out my newly written Intro to D&D blog post for parents and other curious types

Older news—

No more Adult Yugioh @ D20  for the whole story  click here.
Thanks to everyone for the post break in support..we’re doing much better..   Click here  for the story.

D20 Games Events this week… (6/04/2013)


  • Vanguard, Pokemon, Kaijudo and Magic open play.


  • New Dragon’s Maze League (short league before summer League) 6 packs to start or one of the prerlease 6 pack sets.


  • 5:30…Magic Time Walk Duels!!  $5 entry ($4 into a pack for the prize pool)  We got this wonderful collection of Intro Decks from 1996-2008 in perfect condition.  Pick your weapon from the History of Magic and see how it does…pick a favorite from the past or something you’ve never tried before.  We’re going to do this from now on, so come and have some historical fun.
  • Board Game Test Night. Check out new board games from 5-7 (or later)–Play a game and write a review…get a punchcard punch good for special deals!!!
  • OPEN AT MIDNIGHT FOR Modern Masters sales.  League players can get their first packs and we will sell limited numbers of packs per day.


  •  Magic League Play-4-5:30 for kids, anytime for adults
  • 6PM  Modern Masters Draft (Limited to 8–$35)
  • Friday Night Magic: Dragon’s Maze Draft 6:45. $15 (Special deal..sleeves $2 for drafters) Drafting Dragon’s Maze-Gatecrash-Ravnica
  • 9 pm Modern Masters Draft (Limited to 8-$35)


  • Registering at 10- Pokemon Battle Roads tournament...(Lots of people..not the best for the smaller kids that can get overwhelmed)
  • 11-1:00 Pokemon League…$5 and great fun for all ages. Free play with other folks who love Pokemon with rewards for how many times you play. ADDING Competitive tournament each week.  $5 entry (4 into prize pool for packs). Single Elimination.
  • Two Headed Giant (starting a bit later because of the Battle Roads.)  Packs at 4 or so…but no space to build until about 5–start playing at 6
  • Date Night Magic 5 for pizza, 5:30 for draft.  $15 for the event plus $5 for pizza and drink for kids 9-12–kids will have the option of playing in the launch event instead if they would like.
  • 9PM  Modern Masters Draft




Return to Ravnica Prerelease @ D20 Games in Alameda

Archon of the Triumvirate
Azorius Promo
Hypersonic Dragon
Izzet Promo
Corpsejack Menace
Golgari Promo

Welcome to the Return to Ravnica Prerelease @ D20 Games in Alameda.   The pre-releases are always fun, a chance to get the new set a week before, and play with a bunch of other folks who are playing with it the first time as well.  The new and very cool thing about this one is the introduction of the guild packs.  Rather then the standard 6 packs used to build a deck, there will be 5 packs, and one specific to one of the 5 Guilds that are part of the Ravnica story, (and some more cool stuff that is highlighted below.) This is  filling up faster than any event we’ve ever had and will be limited to 100 players, so really, don’t wait.

When: Saturday 9/29/2012

First Event:  10:30 am doors open, deck building.  First Rounds start at 11:30am

Second Event: 4:15 pm Deck building,  First rounds start at 5:30 pm
NOTE: There will be kids and Adult brackets for both events.  Kids prizes will be more evenly spread out.

Event Type-Sealed:  Get 6 packs and make your best 40 card deck.  Opportunities to play at least 4 rounds.  Prizes determined by # of attendees.

Carnival Hellsteed
Rakdos Promo
Grove of the Guardian
Selesnya Promo

Cost: $25 entry fee includes a Guild Specific Pack-5 Return to Ravnica, one Guild Specific Pack and Guild promo card that you CAN use in making your deck this time…plus more (see below)

Pick your Guild



NOTE:  There are limited amounts of each of the 5 guilds choose one of five guilds to champion (RakdosGolgariAzoriusIzzetSelesnya) .  Players who preregister will get a much better chance of getting their first choice.  We will do our best to accommodate everyone, but at the end, the guilds will be randomly assigned.

Each Guild Prerelease Pack contains items designed specifically for the chosen guild.

Pre-release Pack Contents
  • Return to Ravnica booster packs
  • 1 Guild Booster Pack
  • 1 Promo Card
  • 1 Achievement Card
  • 1 Spindown™ Life Counter
  • 1 Letter from the Guildmaster
  • 1 Guild Symbol Sticker



Pokemon Sealed Deck Tournament

Special Event on Saturday Aug 18th….a Sealed Deck Dragon’s Exalted!!

Buy Tickets Here
Format:  Sealed Deck

Open 6 packs of Dragons Exalted and make your best 40 card deck from (only) those cards plus basic energy.  You bring your own energy or it will be available at a reduced rate of 5 energy for $1 (energy can only be purchased this way for use in the deck being constructed.

Time: 11:30 (players arriving earlier may be able to open and build decks earlier at the discretion of the organizer.)

Cost: $30 includes the 6 packs for the event plus 2 packs to go into the prize pool.

Prizes and Rounds--Number of Rounds and Prize split to be determined by number of players.


A note on prizes and good play: PLEASE remember that we’re a fun joint with lots of different levels of players.  The most important thing is to get some cards and have fun with them and each other.  Win because you are playing your best game, and if you have an opponent that  is making errors they will feel bad about when they learn what they should have done later, help ’em out so you both play games you feel good about.  Be that “cool player I met”, not “that guy”.  😉

From the official rules…

1.2.1. Sealed Deck
In a Sealed Deck event, players receive booster packs from the Tournament Organizer at the  beginning of the event. Each player opens all of his or her booster packs at a signal from the  Tournament Organizer and constructs a 40-card deck using only those cards and any basic  Energy cards provided by the Tournament Organizer. Players have 30 minutes to construct their decks.
Players may not trade the cards from their booster packs with other players until the
tournament ends. The Tournament Organizer may require players to fill out deck lists, including the cards in their decks and any cards not being used. Once the first round of the tournament begins, players may not alter the contents of their decks. Booster packs used for a Sealed Deck tournament should come from the same set to preserve Evolution chains that may not exist outside of that set.

Pokemon League 11am Saturdays


Pokemon League: Saturday at 11am-1pm
Every Week–Pokemon league.  😉 This has been going SUPER well.  We have a great group of players showing up and lots of fun being had by players from young to full on adult.

Players of all experience levels (and ages) are invited to come down and find other like-minded players ready for a game, trading or a bit of both.  Players get a special check card and for every set of games they play and get signed off they earn their way to fun prizes like special cards and patches.  Winning and losing dosen’t matter, and in fact, when the more experienced players help the newer players learn how to play, they get extra checks for it, so they are egar to help out.  Entry fee is $5 and includes a booster pack.


Pokemon League Scorecard Inside



Here is a link to the Pokemon website with all the info about league play..

Two-Headed Giant Magic Tournament!!


This is a ton of fun and one of our favorite ways to give people who are interested, but don’t know that much about the game to get to play with a partner and have a blast.  It works great for significant others, buddies who want to check it out, or just friends who want to play.  It is particularly great for Moms or Dads who want to have a really cool date night with their kids. This event is a GREAT way for parents to figure out what this thing the kids are doing is anyway, and for the kids to get a chance to be the ones who know what is going on for a change.  😉

Because you play as a team and can help each other out, the kid gets to be the smart one for a change, and the parent gets to play without needing to worry about “doing it wrong”.  Also…very fun to play together against another team.

Upcoming times: Sat. 3/09/13  and Sat. 3/30/13 at 4 pm (start getting packs to build decks) Play games starting at 5:30 (ish)

Cost: $17.50 per player.

The team gets 8 packs to use to make two 40 card minimum size decks.

Frequently asked Questions

What is it?: Two-Headed Giant Magic Tournament. (Two players on the same team, sharing life and playing in parallel against other teams of players)

Does it HAVE to be a parent?  Anyone can play, but we want to make sure it a comfortable and family friendly event.  This is a GREAT chance for people to get a chance to check out the game that someone important to them has such a good time with without all the pressure of already understanding or being good at the game.

Do I need to know what I’m doing?: Since both players play at the same time and can show each other their cards, as long as one of the two players knows what they are doing, nothing is required of the other player.  It is the best, most fun way to learn the game.

Do we need to make and bring our own decks? Nope.  This is what is called a sealed deck tournament, which basically means that each team gets a fixed number of packs (7) of Magic cards to build the two decks used to play in the tournament.

How much does it cost? $18 per person which includes 4 packs (teams end up with 8 packs to start with.

Why is is called Two headed Giant?  Both players share the same (larger) life total of 30 rather then the normal 20 points.  Each “head” (player) takes their turns at the same time and can consult with each other, but they play in parallel, not able to share resources such as land or equipment (if you don’t know what those things are, don’t worry about it, your partner will.

Why only one game per match? Two headed Giant takes longer to play, so there is not enough time to do the standard 2-out of 3 games.




Parties at D20 Alameda

Birthday Parties at D20

Yes we do birthday (and other private) Parties at D20.

We have two primary options:  Table reservations during regular hours, and private events either before or after closing. We also have options to add to the parties for both events and party favors. You may bring in external food but will be responsible for clean up or we can order pizza to have brought in for an additional charge.

Hours available need to be discussed with staff at [email protected]

Item # Item Unit Price
  Space Rental  
E001 Before or After hours (Per hour, 2 hour minimum) $125
E002 Reserved table (up to 8 people) Per hour-Two hour minimum $50
Custom Events:
E003 Standard Magic Draft (per Person-three packs per player provided) $15
E004 Sealed Deck (Per Person-6 packs per person provided) $25
E005 Learn to Play Magic (Loaner decks provided) (per person-$50 minimum) $7
E006 Learn to Play Magic (Mini Decks** and booster packs to keep provided) $12
E007 Learn to Play Magic (Full Intro Decks including at least one booster pack provided.) $18
E008 Learn to play Yugioh (Includes Intro structure Decks.) Per Player-6 player minimum $15
E009 Yugioh Tournament (BYO Decks-1 pack plus special Duelist league card per player-age max 14) per player $10
  Party Favors
PF001 Deck Boxes (Varies by style) $3-4
PF002 Sleeves (Varies by style) $3.5-5
PF003 Standard deck box/sleeves combo) $8-10
Extra Cool Custom Party Favors $8
PF004 Custom Magic Cards of Each Player (per Card) $12*
PF005 Customized Poster of player as their favorite Planeswalker-13” x 19” $50*


*Custom printed Magic Card items require a digital face on photo of each person.  They take between 5-7 business days to complete so are usually best send out with thank you notes afterwards.  Planeswalker posters require finding out the birthday person’s favorite planeswalker and providing photos at least a week in advance.  If possible, we will also acquire the original card for you to purchase to give with the poster.  These are great items and the kids put them on their walls and adore them.


**These are from the booster battle packs.  They are 20 card semi-random mini decks with a booster pack for each player to open and play with.


D20 M13 Game Day, Aug. 4th

M13 Game Day at D20 Games

Game Day Time again.  Join us on Saturday, August 4th  at 12 for the M13  Game Day.

  • Time: 12 noon to start (Should end around 5-6)
  • Format: Standard (60 card deck with 15 card sideboard.  Cards can be M13, M12, Scars of Mirradon Block, and Avacyn Restored Block.)
  • Cost: $5

Everyone who attends will get a special full art version of the Beast Tracker.  Top players will get a special foil full-art version of Killing wave.

D20 Games in Alameda, is a comfortable, safe place to play.  We are located at 2311 Santa Clara Ave. in Alameda.

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